𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 10

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Hoseok flinched when he heard the sudden sound of a stick breaking. He looked around frantically, not feeling like he and Jin was alone anymore. Hoseok started panicking when he smelled the two scents. It kept getting stronger and stronger.

Two grey wolves appear from behind the trees, making Hoseok's eyes widen. He put Jin's cape over his baby bump, hiding it.

He flashed his golden eyes as he growled at the wolves, warning them to back off. The two betas lowered their head, indicating that they mean no harm. Hoseok stopped growling. The two betas slowly approached them.

Hoseok tightened his grip around Jin as the wolves start sniffing at him. The one wolf sniffed around Jin's stomach area and suddenly jotted back. The wolves communicated through their mate bond before they backed away a bit.

Their eyes flashed a bright gold and soon two beautiful young women appeared.

"Hello, my name is Jennie, and this is my mate, Jisoo. We mean no harm," said the female with long black hair.

"How can I trust you?"

Jennie and Jisoo glanced at each other and snagged their shoulders.

"I guess if we wanted to harm you, we would have already done it by now," said Jisoo.

Hoseok slowly nodded.

"Why are you two out here? What happened?"

"We were trying to get to the Anjeon pack, but we were chased, and my friend lost consciousness," said Hoseok making the two females nod.

"Well, then I'm glad we found you first, cause we are from the Anjeon pack."

Hoseok eyes widened; he couldn't believe his luck.

"Will you help us? Please, we won't make it through the night."

The two females could hear the desperation in his voice. They gave each other a nervous glance.

"Our pack wouldn't like it if we revealed our village's secret location to-"

"I already know where it is. Up there-" Hoseok pointed at the mountain. "Is a waterfall and behind it is the cave that leads to your village."

Jisoo and Jennie looked into the pleading eyes of the beta. Their eyes fell on the motionless omega laying in his arms.

"Well, since you already know we can just as well take you two to our village," said Jisoo making Hoseok sigh in relief.

Jennie extended her hands towards Hoseok and helped him get up. Jisoo picked the omega up and carried him in bridal style. They headed towards the mountain.

Hoseok gasped in astonishment at the clarity of the waterfall. The water was Mediterranean-blue of color. It was swishing over the rocks joyfully and then came thundering down into the pool like a gigantic waterspout. When it toppled into the ecstasy-pool, it foamed at the bottom.

The rest of the pool was as clear as cellophane, enabling him to see down into the rocky bottom as they walk beside it. Fronds of forest-green plants waved gently in the depths. The waterfall looked like a sheet of blue velour as it swished down. Its edges were hemmed with whipped-white lines.

As they began to get closer, the noise of the cataract increased. The path led them to behind the waterfall. The growling and rumbling of the water reduced as they enter the cave. Jennie lit a torch, lighting up the dark tunnel. Hoseok stayed near Jisoo who still carried his unconscious friend.

Jennie led them to the other side of the cave. As soon as they step into the light two guards approached them. Jennie said something to them before one of the guards ran up the hill.

Soon the guard returned but not alone. Hoseok froze when he saw the big black wolf next to the guard.

"Hey, no need to worry. That's our head Alpha. He won't hurt you," Jisoo said as it looked like Hoseok was ready to run away at any second.

Hoseok nodded and watched as the black wolf transformed into a middle-aged man.

"Jennie, why did you two bring them here?"

"Alpha we found them next to the river. The beta said they were chased. We wanted to help."

"Do you even know where they came from? They are strangers. Why bring them to our village?" asked the Alpha in a stern voice.

"Alpha, Jisoo and I would never intentionally put our pack in danger," explained Jennie. "Hoseok already knew where our village was. He and his friend was trying to get to here."

The alpha's eyes moved to Hoseok. He gulped when the Alpha looked him directly in the eyes.

"How do you know of our location?"

"Bon-Hwa told us. He...he said we would be safe here."

The alpha hummed, still unsure if he should trust them. He glanced over at the omega in Jisoo's arms.

"Bon-Hwa is a friend of mine. I trust him," said the Alpha signaled the guards to step away.

"What happen to the omega?" asked the Alpha as they walked up the hill.

"I think all the running and the heat caused his blood pressure to drop or spike," said Hoseok.

"Why hasn't he gained consciousness by now?" asked Alpha with frowned brows.

"I don't know."

Hoseok glanced over at Jin.

"I just hope he and the baby will be alright," whispered Hoseok.

"The baby?"

The Alpha's eyes widen in shock when Jennie took Jin's cape off revealing his baby bump.

"Gosh, bring him inside."

The Alpha took them inside the big house and led them to the doctors.

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