━━ ten

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❝ home ❞



Months had already passed even though it just feels like yesterday,the girl is currently looking up to the moon through their window.

She looked at her passed out grandfather on the ground because of exhaustion while Rai is laying on his chest,sleeping comfortably.

She's the only one awake on the house,not even a single sound was heard.

"Papa." She called,her father and uncle is still not home yet and it's middle of the night now.

The girl was left in confusion that her father is still not home yet, he's usually home earlier than this but today is different.

She heard a ring on her grandfather's phone and decided to grab it,she push a random button as the person on the other line decided to speak.

"How's Y/N and Rai?" A familiar voice ask,her eyes immediately light up as soon as she heard her father's voice

"Papa!" She called and held the phone to her ear

"Y/N? Why are you not asleep yet?"he was shocked that Y/N is still not asleep since it's already middle of the night,he sigh on the other line and decided to talk to her

"Papa,home."she said,tears starts to build up in the corner of her eyes while saying those words.

"Papa will come home now,don't worry about it." He ressured and smile at the other line

"Why are you smiling?" Ran raised a brow to his brother

"Y/N wants me to come home now." He chuckled making Ran nod and smile

"She's a big girl now,she knows that it's late and we're still not home." Ran can't help but to laugh at her niece cuteness

"Just wait for papa and uncle okay? We're near." He informed the girl who keep mumbling papa

She accidentally pressed a button causing the call to end

"Papa!" She cried making Riko wake up from his slumber

"My love what's wrong?" He asked and remove Rai on his chest to carry her

"Papa." She called again,Riko sigh and put her head to his shoulder making her calm down a bit

A familiar motorcycle was heard making her gasp softly and wiggle out her grandpa's arms

She waited patiently at the door jumping in excitement to see her father and uncle

"Y/N." Rindou smiled seeing his daughter waiting patiently to them,he pick up his daughter who hug him tightly in return

"What a sweet daughter~" Ran smile with his eyes close,Rindou ignore his father and Brother and decided to rest with Y/N in their room.

"I'm just gonna make some milk for you." Rindou informed the girl,he remove his gang uniform which left him with his only boxer shorts

"Wait for papa." He said before getting her bottle


"Do you want to know who's your mom?" Riko asked the two siblings who's watching TV,Ran nod at this while Rindou just keep silent

"She's a quiet woman,pretty and smart. She is very patient and would smile to every person she would pass by, definitely opposite personality of mine."

"Ran got her looks a bit,and one of the difference is she hates to keep her hair long unlike Ran who likes to keep his hair long."He explain

"She acts like Rindou, kinda quiet but once she open her mouth to speak.. all the words that would come out from her mouth is curse words."

"She hates me,just like she hates both of you when she gave birth to both of you." He sigh,Rindou roll his eyes while Ran raise a brow

"Why?" Ran asked

"Because it was a forced marriage, she was suppose to run away with her boyfriend when we're about to get married but she found out that my parents had threatened her boyfriend to stay away from her." He explain,Ran nod while Rindou just ate a popcorn while silently listening to his story

"She said that she hates anyone who have Haitani blood running through their blood and veins."

"When she gave birth to Ran, she didn't looked not touch him. Same as Rindou."

"Then she leave you both behind at the age of three and five,I don't know where she is now though." Riko shrug his shoulders

"But did you fell in-love to her?" Rindou suddenly ask,Ran agree wanting to hear their father's answer

"Yeah of course,who wouldn't fall for someone who took care of you for fucking 7 years?" Riko answered and chuckle

"So you love her but you physically and mentally hurt her?" Rindou scoff and stare at his father

"I never lay a finger at her, didn't I told you that she hates me?of course she would do everything for both of you to hate me more." Riko answer

"Liar." Rindou mutter

"Because if you love that person,no matter what happens,even if both of you had a big fight. You wouldn't lay a finger on them. Yes,I hated womens because she leave me and I believe that if I get married again,the same thing will happen again."Riko explained

"If you love that person dearly,you wouldn't think of hurting them in any possible way because you can't. You can't hurt them because they're too precious to get hurt."

"A real man would never hurt a woman he love,I'm not saying that if you hit her you don't love her anymore but... If you did,it's better to change for the better and promise that you won't do it again."

"Gain her trust back and change for the better." Rino sip his beer while explaining to his two son's

"Yeah,you didn't even change." Ran said

"Because she isn't by my side anymore." Riko said

"Rindou,Ran. I know I'm not a good father to both of you and I apologize for that. Even if I'm not a good father I'm can assure both you that I'm gonna be a good grandfather" Their father said

"You better do." Rindou said and eat a popcorn


𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ; H. RindouWhere stories live. Discover now