𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 36

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No birds sang. No insects buzzed. There was no rustle of animals rooting in the underbrush. Silence. The forest drowned in complete utter silence. Deeper into the forest a soft, tinkling sound of water emerged. The sudden wind started whistling around trunks. Leaves rustled as the wind tossed them all around.

The splash of the steam rumbled through the air. Numerous grey or brown wolves slowly stepped on the grass as to not make a single sound. They sneak out from the shadows of the trees. The pieces of metal of their body armor slightly clinked against each other. The wolves glanced over at one another. They came to a stand. They waited; their eyes glued to the waterfall that once held great secrets.

The dark grey wolf head hang low while he carefully placed one paw after the other. The dark grey beta looked to his right side and flashed his golden eyes. The other beta nodded and then looked to the beta on his right side. The dark grey beta turned his head to the left side, his eyes glowing golden once more. The betas started moving further out of each other, forming a line.

The beta moved stealthily out from the forest. The metallic material of their body armor reflected the sun's rays. The betas suddenly halted, each had eyes on one of the guards. The dark grey wolf slowly walked up to the nearest guard. His mouth opened revealing his vicious teeth. He lifted his head and jumped forward.

The guard shrieked in pain when teeth sank into his neck. The closest guard come over; his eyes glowed a looming yellow. The guard jump on the dark grey wolf. He was about to bite the beta's neck when crawls impaled into his back. The light brown beta threw the guard on the ground. The other guards turned to the side, growling at betas. Before they could attack each one of them was jumped by a beta.

Chaos emerged. Bellicose growls. Snapping sound of jaws. Cries of pain. Body armor slammed together while they ferociously fought. Dongseok might have a great number of guards, but the Anjeon pack's betas were great in skill.

Just when things seemed to go good for the Anjeon pack Dongseok's friends arrived on the scene. Without any warning the Alphas attacked. No mercy as they rip the betas apart.

A howl echoed through the trees. All Anjeon betas immediately withdraw from the battlefield. They retrieved the injured and ran into the forest, the opposite way of their village. Did they just...give up?

A few guards slip into the cave only to find a deserted village. Just when they were about to leave, they got a nasty surprise. The wolf seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Black fur, red eyes. His growl made the guards shiver in fear. They ran out of the village knowing they stood no chance against a head alpha.

The guards looked around, confused why the other guards came running out. Dongseok's friends growled at Namjoon when he come running out from the cave. All of a sudden, they stopped growling and turned around. The sound of rustling bushes and approaching footsteps became louder by the second.

Big black wolves with two smaller wolves running alongside them emerged out from the shadows of the forest. The alphas' eyes started glowing red as they each approached one of Dongseok's friends.

The alpha's growled at each other and seconds later multiple fights were initiated. The two betas worked in a team with their Alpha. They circled the two alphas and attacked any guard who tried to interfere with the duel.

The small body of the young wolf shivered. The omega shut her eyes wishing that the violence would stop. She cruelled in a small ball, hiding the white puppy. She opened her eyes at the smell of the sweet scent. The blurry white figure turned into a wolf as it came closer. She could see the omega's lustrous blue eyes.

Jin ran towards the white furry ball laying in front of the tree. Jin halted when a black wolf jumped in front of him. Jin looked into the red eyes as he slowly took a few steps back.

The alpha took one more step forward before he was jumped from the side. The two black wolves rolled down the hill. Taehyung was the first to get up and immediately attack the alpha. Jin watched as two betas come running down the hill. Yoongi and Hoseok started circling Taehyung and the alpha.

Jin ran towards the omega and rubbed his head against her fur. She stood up and rubbed against her luna's fur. The puppy wabbled over to Jin also attracted to his scent. Jin picked up the puppy with his mouth and started running. The omega ran next to Jin attracted by his pheromones. She didn't see or hear the brutal acts around her. She could only focus on the luna scent.

Jin ran to the other side of the forest towards a mountain. He transformed into his human form now holding the puppy in his arms. The young omega followed Jin into the cave.

"My baby!"

A female omega broke out of the crowd.

"My baby- my Sunoo!"

Jin handed her the puppy. Tears of relief streamed down her cheeks as she brought the puppy to her chest. The puppy licked her face and swung his tail.

"Thank you. T-thank you so much Luna."

"There is no need to thank me. Take him to the doctor, alright."

The woman nodded and went to the back of the cave. Mina appeared from the crowd.


The young omega ran and jumped into her teacher's arms. Mina gave her a hug and then took Momo to her mother.

Two arms fold around Jin. He turned around and hugged Jimin.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Jin nodded making Jimin sigh in relief.

"Did you...Did you see Jungkook?"

"No, I didn't."

Jimin broke the hug and nodded. When Jin walked away, he lifted his gaze up. The sky turned orange as the sun fell asleep. Jimin turned his head to the side and saw Jin talking to Namjoon's father. Jimin looked at the forest again and then ran out of the cave.

Jin's eyes widened at his son's unexpected act. Namjoon's father was about to run after Jimin, but Jin stopped him.

"No, stay. You must protect them. I will go after Jimin."

"Understood and Jin, be careful."

"I will," said Jin and then ran out of the cave.

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