𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 38

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Things that broke were rebuilt. Those that were lost were mourned. Physical wounds healed, but emotional scars were left. Perhaps it will heal with time.

The guards knelled to Jungkook, but he told them to rise. He gave them a choice to be free or join him. Most went with him back to their place. Jungkook took his rightful place as head alpha. He renamed the pack 'Chiyu' meaning 'healing'.

For the first time, Jungkook visited the people of the pack. He was shocked to find the families living in abject poverty. He was furious at his father's past cruelty. The people feared Jungkook. They have heard stories of the powerful heir.

Soon they realized Jungkook wasn't like his father. Jungkook gained their trust. For the first time in years, the people were helped and taken care of. They finally learned but it is like to be guided and protected by an altruistic leader.

Word spread to the other packs about the rising Chiyu pack. The neighbor pack was unsure of the new head alpha. Jungkook knew of what his father has done to that pack in the past. Jungkook politely asked if he and only him could pay them a visit. They were skeptical but decided to give hear what Jungkook has to say. The head alpha met with Jungkook. He explained to her how he has no intention for war and the two agreed to peace.

Dongseok's mansion was burnt down with all the painful memories of the place. Jungkook built him a new house still in his territory but close to the Anjeon pack. The Anjeon pack also changed a lot as after the war they were not hidden anymore. Other packs agreed to new borderlines. The Anjeon pack's territory was now much larger, and the pack quickly expanded. New members joined. New houses were built. New life began.

There were some challenges, but Jungkook was never alone. Namjoon is who guided him to be a good leader and taught him what it meant to be the father of a pack. Jin's arms were always open for Jungkook. When things went wrong, when he was in distress Jungkook didn't suppress his emotions. Instead, he laid his head on his mother's shoulder and let a tear or two drop.

Yoongi is one of the wisest betas Jungkook had ever met. Every word that come out of Yoongi's mouth was fascinating to him. Without even noticing himself Jungkook became one of Yoongi's trainees. Every time he thought, he now knew it all Yoongi proved him wrong by teaching him something new.

On the training fields, Taehyung and Jungkook often saw each other. Jungkook tried to befriend him, but Taehyung kept his distance. Yoongi then decided to make them training partners forcing Taehyung to at least talk to Jungkook. Soon Taehyung got to know Jungkook and realized he isn't that bad. Jimin couldn't be more gladder seeing his mate and brother becoming friends.

Even though he was busy Jimin always made sure to spend time with his brother. He was there to support Jungkook when he went through hardships. He encouraged Jungkook to face challenges and take risks. Jimin believed in Jungkook like no one else. He also often visited the Jungkook's pack. The people of the Chiyu pack loved when Jimin visited. Stories of Jimin being an angel were told to the children.

Jungkook sat down on the hill. He glanced over his shoulder. Jin exited the mansion. He walked over to the table and placed the salver of food on the table. He then sat down next to his mate. Namjoon and Jin continued talking to Namjoon's parents.

Jungkook directed his eyes on another one of the tables outside. Hoseok was trying to tell Lisa and Rosé a joke but couldn't as he was laughing too much. Yoongi was smiling at his mate. Not because he knew the joke, he smiles at anything Hoseok does.

Jungkook looked over to the left where Jimin and Taehyung sat on the picnic blanket. Jimin was leaning back on Taehyung's chest. Taehyung had his arms wrapped around Jimin; his hands rested on Jimin's baby bump. Jungkook is sure after the little one is born Taehyung will step up as the head alpha of the Anjeon pack and Jimin as the luna.

Jungkook looked back in front of him. He couldn't help but stare as the clouds got painted in colors from bright orange to hot pink right before the sun disappeared below the horizon. Jungkook looks forwards to meeting his mate. He trusts in himself to be a loving mate someday. To be a caring father. To always be a gallant head alpha.

A faint smile painted itself on Jungkook's lips. He trusts that no matter what happens in the future long shall the Anjeon and Chiyu pack live with their bloodline of purebreds.

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