as shonadw and sonec were relaxing with their baby, hopkins junior the third, they were interrupted by errr uhhhhh
AN/A: give me a moment my fan-Chans! I need to. come up with something guys! :p hope u don't mind this hehehhahha xD
OKAY! Shonadwsers and sonekers were INVADED by the army of jigsaw puzzle pieces sent by wikipi-tan the mascort of wikipadaehoha herSELF and theb wipidkechan used her sepcial laser pows and mdae a bunch of explosna!1!!!?.
Sanec exploded from the epxlodions n shsdowawh grabbed Hopkins junior the thid and tey ran off leavng a Trale of salti tears coming from shadews tiny little tear ducts..
This was Hopkin junors the turds origin sorrty.
A/NA: hey gustsss it's sunadowliver2222222 here I just wanted ot say I hup ygs enjoy the dierection I am tak)ng this sorty :3....this isn't gonta be a luv fanfic but an action oen wbaout Hopkins-kun and how ahe takes revenge on Wikipedia-can! Anyways see ya guys later XD