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"calm side"
jades pov, est 22.
+ months.

sitting down, I took a deep breath, feeling tired when I had bearly did anything.

"this so much, oh my god." I said, shaking my head as I seen jayb look over at me, chuckling a little.

"this shit not funny, I can't even move how I wanna move, shit, I can't even see my pussy anymore, this some bullshit mane." jade said, throwing a fit as jayb shook his head.

"a spoiled baby that's finna have another baby, ain't that some." he said, standing up as he walked over to jade, poking her belly.

"stop, see now the baby moving." jade see, seeing as jayb put his hand on jade baby, feeling the baby move around as a smile formed on his face.

jade loved seeing how happy he was to be a father, especially the fact that he cared so much about her, and jayb honestly felt the same way about jade, he remember always trying to holla at jade and she would ignore him because she thought he wasn't worth her time.

well that was years ago and now look at them, two happy people in a relationship with a baby on the way, a road to start there family.

yet jade had some doubt, her mind kept going back to meechy, something in her body was telling her that he wasn't dead, and yes she had seen his body drop, but she had a feeling meechy had escaped when they were getting out the place.

jade intentions were always right, so she was a bit nervous, scared at that.
"ma what's wrong?" jayb asked, seeing jade face, "nothing, I'm fine." she responded, not wanting to worry jayb.

jayb looked at her for a quick second but then decided to leave it alone, going back to her belly to putting his face to it, causing jade to laugh.

"you think the baby can see me?" jayb said, causing me to roll myself eyes as I looked at him.

"no, but I bet it can see yo big head." I said, seeing as he looked up and mugged me, causing me to burst out laughing.

"keep that same energy when you want some Chick-fil-A" jayb said, causing jade to poke out her lip as she looked at him.

"if you don't love me, please just say that." she said, causing jayb to side-eye her as she played sad, looking down. "girl you know damn well I love you, I don't just nut in females and not love me, that ain't me." jayb said, causing jade to nod.

"have you talked to jay?" I asked, seeing as jayb nodded.

"hell yeah, was just on the phone with his ass, he was telling me that he met some girl." jayb said, causing me to nod.

I slowly stood up as jayb looked at me, "where you going?" he asked, "to cook." I replied, seeing as he pulled me back, "no the fuck you not." he said

"why not? I'm fine and I can walk, if I need a break I can just sit down at the island and take a break." I said, seeing as he hesitated but nodded anyways, letting me go.

I begun to walk out the room, making my way downstairs and to the kitchen, thinking of what to cook.

seeing it was sunday, I thought maybe I should do some soul food, and invite everybody over, since I knew I wasn't going to eat all the food.

I walked over to the sink, washing my hands and then drying them as I opens the freezer, grabbing the neckbones, and then closing it back.

going in the pantry and grabbing white rice, grabbing the collard greens out the fridge, and the cornbread mixture's out the cabinet, and some macaroni shells and cheese.

she pulled out the pans from under the counter, and started with the macaroni first, turning the oven on, as she opened the shells and poured them in the pan, grabbing the cheese and pouring it in there, taking the stick of butter out the fridge and cutting it in half, placing it there and then grabbing the milk, using the measuring cup as she poured it in, and then pouring it in the pan, mixing everything around.

jayb stared at her in the corner, she hadn't notice that he walked in and was admiring her. one thing about jade was once she was cooking, she was deep into her, at a young age, her mom has taught her and kordell how to cook, so they wouldn't have to rely on anyone.

jade then put the pan in the oven, going over to the cornbread, and pouring it in the pan, using another cup of milk and pouring it in, mixing it together and then also putting it in the oven, closing it and going onto the rice.

putting water into the pot and placing it on the eye, she let it boil, waiting a little and then pouring the rice in, cutting another peace of butter off and putting it in the rice, grabbing the top and putting it on the pot.

"baby, you sure you not tired?" jayb said, causing jade to shake her head as she stayed quiet.

she then grabbed a bigger pot, putting water in it as she put it on the bigger eye, grabbing the seasoning just to add some more taste to it, seasoning em well as she puts them in, putting even more seasoning on top, grabbing the top and putting it on there.

last but not least, the collard greens.
jade took the collards green and chopped em up, putting them in another big pot and then adding some water, washing them off and then pouring the water out, adding some fresh water as she then sat it on the eye of the stove, grabbing the apple cider vinegar and pouring just a little bit in to bring the taste out, grabbing the pot top and putting it on.

she then makes sure everything was right and cleaned up the counter, throwing the wrapping and packaging away and going to wash her hands once again, trying them.

jade was heavy on clean hands, espically when she had just started and finished cooking.

"baby, I been calling your name for damn minutes now, you ain't that stuck into that food." jayb said, coming behind jade as she mugged.

"boy don't tell me what I'm into, and I am stuck in my food, I gotta make sure it taste right." jade said, turning to jayb.

she seen how he sized her up, biting down on his lip and then looking back up at her, "just wait till you have my baby, I'm fasho going round after round." he said, causing jade to smile and roll her eyes.

"says who?" I said, seeing as jayb mugged, "says jayb." he said, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh.

"yeah okay" I said, turning back to the food and checking on it, "and call kiana and them, all this food ain't finna go to waste." I added, seeing out the corner of my eye jayb nod and grab his phone, calling him jay, kordell & kiana, nuchi & even mya since lately she been distance.

if only they had knew what was going on with mya.

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