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I sat in my office thinking about what I was going to eat for dinner. It's been awhile since I cooked a home made meal I have just been eating out a lot lately.

I finished up my work for the day. Grabbed my purse and shut my computer off. As I was leaving I let the staff know to check all of the doors and set the alarm when leaving the office today. I walked to my car got in and lock my doors before placing my purse in my passenger seat. I always try to remember to lock my doors as soon as I get in the car. People are crazy these days. I started up the car and drove to Walmart shut the car off and got out. I put my earbuds in and walked inside grabbing a shopping cart. I pulled out my shopping list and begin to check items off.
I got down to my last two items and before I was able to turn around to look for the rest I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned my music down and I heard her ask hey do you by chance know where the brown rice might be?

I looked her up and down and spoke letting her know the rice was on aisle 6. She smiled and said thank you before turning around and walking off. I sat there thinking to myself like she looks good then continued on shopping. I checked out my food and walked out the front door waving my receipt because the greeters always thinking someone is stealing. I packed my car up and closed the trunk I went to put the cart up and I saw the girl from earlier walk by she smiled at me and kept walking. I thought to myself "girl go get her number" but I decided to just let it go I smiled back then walked back to my car getting in.

I parked my car in my garage and got my groceries out the truck I put everything up and only left out some salmon, rice, and broccoli. I didn't feel like making a big meal maybe this weekend but I'm just going to eat, shower, watch my show and go to bed I have work in the morning. I woke up the next morning feeling great. I washed, cooked myself some breakfast and ate as I watched the news. I got dressed did my hair and made my way to work.

I started my own staffing agency here in Austin Tx. My agency specializes in helping felons find suitable jobs without the backlash. This has helped so many women and men that have been turned away because of their past. We even go as far as funding their work attire.

"Hey Ms. Jones" I hear as a walk through the office front door.

"Good Morning everyone I hope you guys got a good nights rest because today is going to be a long day for us". I say.

"Shareese? " I called as I press the line 2.

"Yes, Ms. Jones?" Shareese answered.

"Please bring me all of the files we have today for interviews" I requested.

"Here they are Ms. Jones. I went ahead and put them in order for you Paul is your first one to start the day." She explained.

"Thank you". I said and she walked back to her desk.

I spent the day interviewing one prospect after another and helping clients find work. I was down to my last two and let me tell you I am worn out for the day.

Between the last two I don't know which one I like the most they both have the qualifications and great personality I am looking to add to the team.

I have 3 days to decide but until then I am heading my butt home and having a hot bath.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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