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The Varela family snow war - the epic battle that Evelyn was sure it would have been - was called off on account of the weather. The storm front that had been threatening November Falls all weekend had decided to hit, Luis calling them inside before the predicted blizzard came.

All familial rivalry was cancelled, Alex steering his wife inside with a protective hand at her back. Nick appeared suddenly at Evelyn's side, a soft smile gracing his features. "Sickening, aren't they?"

Evelyn just smiled, allowing Nick to guide her up to the back porch. In truth, she thought it was kind of sweet that they were still so nauseating even after eight years of marriage.

"You okay out here?" Maria asked, seeing the younger couple quite content as they were.

"We'll be fine, Ma," Nick assured her quietly, Maria nodding before she retreated inside. Nick's ebony gaze fell on Evelyn, obvious affection in their depths. "You like the snow, don't you, Querida?"

"I was born and raised in November Falls, Nick," Evelyn reminded him, smiling. "I've always loved the snow. We certainly get enough of it to make it worthwhile."

"We should sue," Nick grumbled, bumping gently against her.

Evelyn giggled. Sometimes Nick reminded her so much of Danny in the things he said. "At least we've got one of the best snow clearing operations in the North-east."

Nick inclined his head, watching the increasingly threatening sky. "I'm glad you came today, Evie."

"Me too," she murmured, recognising the signs of Nick deep in thought.

"We didn't keep you from your family, did we?"

"Nope, that's Thursday," Evelyn sighed. Already she could imagine the ribbing she was going to get from her family - before she threw Marty under the metaphorical bus for joining the FBI.

Nick turned to face her, something lurking in his eyes. He ran a hand through his hair, chuckling at himself. "Your brothers are going to kill me, huh?"

"Pretty much," Evelyn smirked, laughing at his expression. He looked like a kicked puppy. She tucked her arm into his and led the way into the living room. "You'll be fine, it'll just take a while."

Nick's raise eyebrow spoke volumes on his disbelief - an expression that was all Myra.

Evelyn smiled innocently. She believed that, honestly. "Danny already likes you," she reminded him, settling onto the couch. "Granted, he is majorly overprotective but he likes you, so you'll be okay... In a year or two."

Nick groaned, dropping his head back against the top of the couch.

"Rick, on the other hand, was dead-set against me being a cop and will take a dimmer view of me dating one, but once he gets to know you, he'll like you." Evelyn patted his knee sympathetically. "Steve likes you too, and he doesn't have a gun, so at least he won't threaten to shoot you," she inclined her head thoughtfully. "And he's nuts about the Eagles, so you'll have something in common - even if it is sports related."

"And the Dumbass?" Nick asked, disapproval haunting his tone.

"Marty already knows," Evelyn reminded him, biting back a smile. One whiff of how overprotective Nick was, her family would love him forever. "And, he definitely approves. Although he doesn't have a leg to stand on. You know he's dating Teresa?"

"Agent Davis?" Nick's eyebrows skyrocketed.

"His partner, I know," Evelyn laughed; her brother was pants at hiding things from her - he'd been obvious as a teenager (even a decade older than her) and he was still obvious now. "Apparently Special Operations Taskforces don't have fraternisation policies. So that's a point in favour of the FBI."

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