Part 5

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Two Little Ghosts Chapter 4

Harry was five years old when the first unexplainable thing happened. Well, he could read and write properly, he had always been able to speak to snakes or get all kinds of plants blooming or animals that had to just be sleeping soundly to get up and continue on the adventure it was having that day. But he had always managed to find an excuse for those things. No, this was truly unexplainable.

Harry had been outside pruning the rose bushes and slowly taking away the wilted flowers from the bushes. The petals would bloom in his hands and he could make pretty scented stuff for his Aunt Petunia.

He'd just thought about the Dursleys' hair color all turning that cool car's color which had driven by when everybody was busy. The couple said it was electric/metallic blue and asked if it was perfect. Harry had asked why electric/metallic and that it did seem pretty perfect and cool. Electric blue was because of the brightness and metallic blue because the design had sparkles that shined when the sun hit it. What if the normal brown/blonde colors of the Dursleys' changed to that perfectly awesome electric/metallic blue?

Harry heard the screaming of shock, anger, even horror, and then Dudley's telltale laughed before wailing. He took a peek into the house through the porch window to see all the Dursleys' hair that unique shade of blue. Somehow just by thinking about it, Harry had turned his relatives' hair color!

Now, Harry had never been to school before and hadn't the foggiest idea what hair dye was but everyone's hair (except his own that is) was bright blue. He thought about it coming out in a week and so it happened!

Fortunately, Harry wasn't blamed this time. Since he'd been outside in the shed last night he couldn't have possibly done this horrid mess. It was the first time, Dudley Dursley was punished. It was a punishment to write down in the history of punishments too! Dudley had 4 parts to this punishment:

Dudley was spanked by the frying panNo electronics for a whole yearCouldn't hang out with anyone for a monthConfined to school and the house's bedroom, bathroom, and meals at a scheduled time.

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