Part 6

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Two Little Ghosts chapter 5

Hermione was in her tower all alone. She thought that if she was a princess she'd be rescued. However, this is reality and she'd never get away from her lonesome tower.

Hermione wasn't bothered too much as it had been this way for her entire life though short it had been. Her only book had a princess stuck in a tower and being rescued by a magical prince that granted wishes for their adventure to have a happy ending. Hermione thought maybe her wishes would come true even if she couldn't escape from her tower.

Her first wish was granted! She now had a bathroom attached to her bedroom! Now she didn't have to go in a pot that she had to throw out the window when it got full! Even though there really wasn't room for it and made the room smaller to live in it still had benefits! She was now one point up from the princess in the book!

Her second wish also came true! She was able to read, write, speak a bit, and understand it as well. She could do all of it so prettily! She then requested books from the owners of the house. They gave her lots of very large tomes that had lots of complex words inside. One of the tomes was an old edition of a dictionary.

With the dictionary in hand, Hermione was able to quietly sound out each syllable and began to speak quite well. Hermione was able to spend a lot of time on this project with nothing else to do. Maybe soon she could sing? Or maybe make a friend?

"Hermione Granger" was what was written on a piece of paper. She sounded each letter out before putting it together. She had found her birth certificate although it had been crumpled up in a dusty corner of her tower. She had gotten all her wishes granted. Maybe it was magic? Real magic within herself and not a prince? Was she a magical princess? Mag-ic is defined as the power of apparently influencing the course of an event by using mysterious or supernatural forces.

Perhaps Hermione could wish for her true hope? Her own wish that she didn't voice for fear that it would break and fall? Hermione wished with all her might that she'd get a "real" family like the ones outside the large window to the outside world. She knew nothing had changed after this wish in the next couple of days. Hermione was smart but she never thought that things would change in her existence. The last thing she heard before falling asleep on her seventh birthday was the owners of the house saying they'd keep tabs on a male child that had gorgeous green eyes, a weird lightning bolt scar but could be a perfect kid for their perfect lives.

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