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Ms.Chou Tzuyu is a boss of her own
Company,Her employee know her as
A ruthless and Strict when it comes
To business,She doesn't like a Lazy
People.She's just 22 years old...She
Came from the wealthy family. Her
Mother was died a years ago that's
Why only her and her father.

All people know that she didn't know
About the word love,Because she
Only know is to grow their business
And nothing more.She's not interested
At dating man. Until one day Her
Secretary Ms.Myoui Was sick so she
Said to her secretary to file a sick leave
And find a new replacement for her
Position as a secretary then Ms.Mina
Recommend her Nephew.

Jeon Jungkook  is a simple Graduated
College students,at the age of 24 years
Old he live on his own with her auntie
Mina.At the age of 15 years old his
Own mother abandoned him and marry
A new man.that's how cruel jungkook

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