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(Back to Zariah's Pov)

When Czar and I exited the bathroom we quickly looked around to see if anyone had notice. It seems that sense we were in there the boardwalk had become more deserted. 

"Let's go." Czar said as he took my hand in his and guided me towards the car.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was still breathing heavy after what we had just done but suddenly I felt like a new women. I don't know what had possessed Czar to do such a thing but I wasn't complaining it felt as if all the tension between the two of us had dissolved. 

"We're going to inform Annika about the situation. I'm sure she'll have a few words for us." Czar said as he opened the door for me.

I was sure Annika was going to be livid once she finds out that we plan on taking her daughter away from her adoptive family. But, letting Liam find out where she was wasn't an option. My head was spinning as I thought about all the information I had just received over the past few hours. 

"So, Liam was never really mad that you killed his girlfriend? He was only upset about this child?" I asked still not fully understanding.

"I'm sure that he was upset to some extent about his girlfriend's murder, but realizing that Annika had been pregnant and hid their child from them is properly what sent him over the edge." Czar explained.

"It still makes no sense, why would he want to get back at you? In reality he should be mad at Annika, what could she possibly had told him." 

"That's what we need to find out." Czar said as he began to drive.


When we arrived at the house Czar told me to wait upstairs while he went down to the basement to talk to Annika.

"I'm coming too, I want to know why this happening to us." I said.

Czar noticed I had said us and looked at me with a smirk but said nothing as he opened the basement door and allowed me to go down the stairs first. I've only ever been down in the basement once, and that was when I witnessed Czar beating a man to a bloody pulp, I never did find out what the guy had done to deserve that but it must've been something really bad.

It didn't smell as bad as it previously had and there wasn't any blood spilled out on the floor like I imagined it. Annika sat in a chair with her hands behind her back. She looked as if she had been sobbing her eyes were swollen and puffy.

"We came to talk." I said as I folded my arms and looked at her. 

From the moment I met Annika I knew she didn't like me. I remember when she snapped on me when I made it clear that I didn't find marrying Czar a happy thing. I used to wonder why she hated me so much but it all seemed so clear now.

"About?" She asked in a low voice.

"Why did you kill....why did you kill mom?" Czar asked.

I can only imagine how hard this must be for him. His twin sister had killed his mother, and had been the real rat all alone. 

"He...he threaten  me Czar. He told me if I didn't do as he say he would find Alina and take her away and..." She couldn't finish her sentence because she was sobbing.

I assumed Alina was her daughter. 

"That makes no sense Liam wouldn't hurt Alina that's his child." Czar explained. "What does he really want?" Czar pressed.

Annika lowered her head. "He wants to see our family fall. He wants to get back at all of us for destroying his life. For taking Alina away and for what our father did to him. He wants revenge, and he'll stop at nothing to get it."

"What do you mean? What did dad do?" Czar asked.

My stomach began to turn, Annika didn't need to say anything because I already knew the answer.

"Oh my god." I said as I covered my mouth and held my stomach. I felt as if I was going to throw up.

Annika lifted her head. "Do you really think our Dad just allowed a stranger into our home and to know all about our lives?"

Czar face shifted as he realized what Annika was getting at. Her and Lada weren't the only ones, he had gotten Liam too. 

"He did it to Liam before he did it to me." Annika cried. "He did it for years and when Liam discovered he had done the same with me he lost it and he killed him. He never told you because he knew how much you loved dad and didn't want your friendship to end. OS he suffered in silence. And then you....you went and killed his girlfriend, and I ripped his child away from him." Annika shook her head. "No wonder he wants to see this family fall."

Czar just stood, not saying anything, not moving. I looked over at him and there was an unreadable expression on his face. The air felt thick down here and it was making it hard for me to breathe. I ran up the stairs, in tears, my head spinning. I knew now, after hearing what Annika had told us, that I was doomed. Liam was going to stop at nothing until he got what he wanted, revenge. 

"Oh god." I cried as I fell to my knees. 

It all made sense now. Why Liam never told Czar about what had happened to Annika, because he also would have to tell him that it happened to him as well. I couldn't believe Annika, I couldn't believe that she would hide Alina from Liam after all he had went through, I couldn't believe that she would kill her mother in cold blood. I couldn't believe none of it.

But most of all, I couldn't believe that I was somehow wrapped up in this mess and that my life was on the line.

"Oh god." I cried once more as I covered my mouth.


Whew! So much information to take in. Hehe. Back to back updates for you guys this week. I plan on having this book be at least 50 chapters long with a happy ending hopefully....Don't forget to comment, vote, and share. Until next time my lovelies.

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