Chapter 73

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The raindrops had started hitting against the ground rhythmically, wrapping the atmosphere in a light fog that had made you feel like you were walking in some ghost city. If it wasn't for the many vehicles that kept passing by as you kept walking away from the hospital with your destination the bus stop that was at sight.

Your hair had already started getting a bit wet as you had no umbrella with you for you didn't recall the weather forecast mentioning anything about rain tonight yet again even if they were to have mentioned it, you most likely wouldn't have taken an umbrella with you since you had not thought that you would be staying out till this hour however you could not leave, taking into consideration the situation Jin seemed to be in and the one Namjoon was.

For some reason he underwent two panic attacks in a span of a few hours after you and Jin had finished your conversation and returned to his room, only to find him on his bed, looking relatively calm. However as minutes ticked away and with only one try of Jin's to mention Elle's existence, he broke down as if he was a house of cards.

The sight had left you quite a bitter and sad taste, for you could feel the pain even if he himself was not aware why was he hurting so. And honestly witnessing him like that, made you reconsider the things you had thoughts about him prior, related to him and Elle, and how he was not good enough nor worthy.  For the more you looked at him, the more you could tell that he had been suffering too all those years just like she had suffered waiting on him, he had dived in misery every day more, trying to bring back, the one everyone around him were waiting for.

It had made you wonder how could it feel, seeing everyone you ever loved, being desperate to have back a version of yourself that you had lost. How much that could possibly make someone scared for the you of now was practically no longer the one they wanted and loved. How confusing must it have been, for him, craving to be loved by people he did not remember, just because they claimed that they love him and he loves them.

As you put yourself in his shoes, the more sorry you ended up feeling and maybe even a bit annoyed towards the people that could most likely have tried to take advantage of his messy state. People like Byeol for example, who couldn't help but see as someone who would grab a chance by all means if it was to bring her some benefit. 

I guess my grudges are showing...she still has the benefit of the doubt.

You argued with yourself inwardly just as you reached the shelter of the bus stop and halted there, finding one more person waiting. You gave them a small silent greeting with your head as you made eye contact then looked towards the direction the bus was supposed to arrive from, only to witness a knowing figure with an umbrella, walking towards you.

"JaeHyun?...Hi-" You reached your hand to wave at him slightly as a greeting only for him to grab your hand and pull you away with him. An action that had startled you at first and made you resist but his hold was being too strong.

"What the heck? Let go of me!" You yelled at him, finding his actions scary and unacceptable, however, he ignored your words and just yanged your hand, making you yelp a bit loudly, before firmly halting your steps and pulling back with all the force you could manage, bringing his steps to a freeze.

"Why! Just why do you have to go and do this!?" He stormed around and showed his angry face at you, perplexing you but also alarming you. His hand still gripping your wrist firmly.

"I did nothing. I don't know what are you talking about. Have you lost your mind?" You questioned him, as you gave him a death stare, hoping he will realize that you were not playing and you didn't appreciate the sudden force he was using at all.

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