~My Vow To You~

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Marriage for me was something I wanted and adore

I mean It more than any other person in the world.

The stories I heard and the people I view

It was something I wanted to enjoy too.

The one match you have searched for,

The person that makes you feel complete,

Is all one needed in life.

Who was the one I asked myself so many times

You have no idea how much I've dreamt it every night.

So many possibilities I thought

Where was my love soon to come?

Where was the one who will help me in my dying need?

The one hero that will save the love of their life

The one that will perish for the other to thrive.

I guess at the start I was worried about being alone

All the apparitions around me have someone they love.

Even my friends who I've known for so long

Have someone they love and show off.

But in the end, what did I feel for them is only pity

Now I know it's such a harsh word to say

But I am sorry to say that's how I felt and portray.

I mean they were all in such a rush

Looking for the right person to hook up.

That wasn't love and for that, I pity them

Because they weren't looking for love.

As for me, however, I am

I will wait as long as I can

Till sunsets and moonrise

For the right person to come and meet my eyes.

The ball dance was an event special to all

I came with a few friends excited and in awe.

I can hardly remember the reason

But I do remember your appearance.

You were stunning and my hopes were high

When you came by and said hi

You were perfect and everything I wanted

Right when you took my hand and ask me to dance.

I didn't know how to dance

but at that moment I felt like I knew all along.

You were gentle and kind

I wanted you to be mine

and I think you knew too.

I don't remember when it started with you and me

I just have our memories from the past and present.

Like a sweet melody, I play back every night.

Like a piece of candy, I love to take every bite.

"I love you" is what you told me one night

Then you kiss me with such soft lips.

It was honest wasn't it

I mean that's what I thought.

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