A visit from a Friend? :-/

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Today is Tuesday, the day that I love the most .  After coming back from school I feel like ' Wow ' it feels great!  Not like the other days , problems all over my head ....
I got into my room , take off my bag and start to sat down and do homework it was fine ! The homework was easy !! When I was doing my homework suddenly my friend
' Annie' was typing to me
( Annie ):  Umm, Hey! I'm visiting You today , so get ready . We have an important thing to talk .
- then I type back ...
( Me ): Umm , maybe you can come at 11:30 am ( afternoon) bc I was busy with house works.
( Annie ): Ok!
- after typing to my friend , I sat down and continue my homework.
= Later at 11:30 am.....( Afternoon )
* Ding, Dong!!!* The sounds of the doorbell.
I stop from what I was doing and open the door...
( Me ): Oh what brings you here Annie?
( Annie ): Oh , yes we have something to talk.
( Me ): Well come in!
- We got inside the house and we sat on a sofa...
( Me ): Sooooo... What are we gonna talk about today?
Annie gave me a cold smile , then she said ..
( Annie ): Come with me to the backyard, I will show you something....
She said .
Then she hold my arm and then drag me to the backyard, I raised my eyebrow when I walk with her.
( Annie ): Stay here my dear. I will show you..
Then.... SHE CLOSED THE DOOR!!!!!!!
I was very surprised, then I realized that she locked me outside.
( Me ): HEY!! you CAN'T locked me outside like that !!!¡¡¡!!! Let me in!!!!!!
I said by kicking and punching the door.
( Annie ): sorry dear , I have to .
Then she laugh..
I don't know what she was doing maybe she wants to steal something or wants to destroy something.
I sat down on the ground and hug my knees
I don't really know what to do...
Tears roll down my cheeks , just then an IDEA came out of my head .
I sweep of my tears and I knew that l I Left my window open since I was doing homework a moments ago...
I ran to the alleyway and sneak to take a peek through the window then I see that ....
I have no idea what she was doing . I think she was finding something, something valuables  something that is very very important for her she searched inside my bookshelf, inside my bag , under my bed ..
She searched EVERYWHERE till she found something. She felt like someone was watching her so she turn around quickly and I sat down not to let her sees me . Then she continues to search . She found my golden necklace!!!
" That was very valuable for me " I said quietly to myself. "That is the only gift from my friend!!!." Then I tried to think of something. I look around and saw something that can be useful , there were just a pair of black boots , a glass but black one , and my brother's police officer's suit.
Then one idea just poke out of my head .
" I think if I dress up to a police woman and then salm the door with my leg the I got in! And she won't recognize me!" I said proudly to myself ( To be continued... )

Wrote by : Emily
Date: Wednesday/ 09. / March /2022
  Thanks for reading this story , I will think of other ways to continue this story . Hope you enjoy!
And please tell me if there is something wrong with my writing. Tell me in the comments. Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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