Slender Man

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March 27 2012...

OK today was WEIRD!  I saw this dude with a black suit and REALLY long legs!!! You can call me crazy all you want but I am going to look or him again tomorrow!

March 28 2012...

Okay now today was even stranger!! I went out into the woods behind my house and there he was!! He popped out of noware1!! I tripped backwards and fell somehow he manged to ACK without a mouth. OH!! Right I forgot to tell you He has like no face what so ever... So uh yeah its real creepy when he ACK's and you have no clue what end its coming from. So I will be back later I feel like he's waching me...

March 30 2012... 

Okay today I nearly passed out in the woods!!! The was  a symbol on a tree that looked like this [X]. So yeah when I walked out futher I saw a thing of paper that said "RUN!!" then another thtat said "IM BEHIND YOU!!!" I just ran away until He was right inront of me!! He has TENICULES!!!!!!!!! I was shocked so I ran away until I finally got home and was writing this. I will write more soon.

April 3 2012.

 Well Im not going to write ANY more in this book because I have a feeling that He with no face will get me I am goign to hide this book and hope no one will ind it. Thank you and goodbye [X]

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