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While everyone was getting ready for the Founder's party, Estella was with Damon telling him the plan. "So you are going to take Caroline to the party and make sure Elena finds out the story of the original Salvatore brothers, we need her to get suspicious of Stefan and you. Also be careful i'm pretty sure Stefan is going to try to vervain you so don't drink anything or anyone." Damon didn't really want to go to the party but when Estella told him that they could blow their cover he agreed. "And you'll tell me when you get him out right. You promise." Damon asked looking right into Star's eyes. 

"Yes Damon, by the time the event ends, Enzo will be at my house. I promise."


It was the moment she was waiting for, to save Enzo. Estella was in her car outside of Whitmore College, she just saw Wes Maxfield leave the building for the founders party aswell. Wes was the one who continued his father's legacy in torturing and experimenting on vampires for 'humanity'. Yeah well Estella was going to see how he liked it. 

"Help, help me please, his face is was like a demon." Estella was always very good at crying on demand, tears spilled from her eyes the mascara staining her lower lash line. Wes only saw a scared teenage girl who he believed saw a vampire but didn't know. "Hey miss, you're safe now tell me where did you see this monster."

 Estella wiped her fake tears and met his eyes with an emotionless look, "I'm looking right at him."  Before Wes could ask what she was talking about a red mist entered his mind causing him to be in her control.

"Now doctor, we are going to have some fun, why don't we go and invite a mutual friend of ours. subject 12144." She smirked when she saw the slight panic in the doctor's eyes. He led her down to the cells and that is when she saw him. He was laying on the ground she could see the layer of sweat on his face, he probably only just got back from another session. 

"Oh cariño, están tan muertos" (Oh my darling, they are so dead) Enzo heard a strong spanish accent and he knew is was not familiar, turning to face the newcomer with much difficulty he was surprised to see a young girl standing near his torturer. 

"Wesley, be a dear and fetch the keys." The doctor followed without complaint, not that her could. "What are you doing? I already had my daily fun" Enzo's voice was harsh from the lack of use, he only used it when he screamed not that he did anymore. 

"Don't you worry my dear, i've come to set you free" Estella took the keys from the doctor and unlocked the gate, she looked at Enzo and told him something he never thought he'd hear. "Your gift from me is the doctor and any other in this facility that have ever lay a hand on you" She walks out the room to give him his privacy. She let her control on the doctor go the moment she left, hearing him scream. 

Whilst Enzo was off killing people in the building, Estella went to Wes's lab to destroy any serums he may have made. There is was, the 'Ripper Serum' it created a lot of problems in the future and Estella was not really bothered to clean them up.

Enzo entered the room Estella was lounging in, she had her feet up on the desk reading through Grayson Gilbert's journal that she found in Maxfield's desk. He didn't understand, how someone he has never met would help him and he wanted answers. 

"Hello gorgeous. So why don't you tell me why someone I have never met would help little old me." "Take a seat Enzo, it's going to be quite a story." Enzo was hesitant, the last time he trusted someone, they left him burning in a cage.

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