Haunted...BuzzBlast? (Part 2)

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Wednesday morning and I'm already running late. Could this day get even more worse? My scooter decided that it was a good time to broke down in the middle of the road and here I am barely had the energy to pushed through my way to BuzzBlast thanks to this stupid scooter.

Finally arriving at my destination, I hurriedly parked my scooter outside and run inside the building because I am so very late and I don't want to get an earful from Jane an- WHAT A MESS! What the heck happened here? Am I really that late? I looked at my watch and barely 9am. Have we been robbed or something? I slowly make my way through the messed up lobby, taking in my surroundings and yikes the chairs are on top of each other. How'd that even happened. I saw Jane heading downstairs.

"Jane what happened here?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't know honestly, have you seen Javi?" she asked and started looking around.

"I...no I haven't I literally just got here" I started to looked around too before spotting the guy we were just looking for walking inside the lobby. Jane must've spotted him too.

"Javi there you are! Question, did you do this? Because I know you were the last one here last night and I even gave you the keys" Jane stated.

"Yes I was the last one here last night but I didn't do this I swear" he said gesturing around the place.

"Then who did this?" Jane asked and then walked away. Javi looked at me as if he wanted to say something but decided against it.

"I swear Amelia I didn't do this believe me" he begged and looked around watching people trying clean the whole place.

"I believe you Javi I do, but...let's just clean this place for now okay? Then we'll talk later" I said and headed to my desk. Damn it even my thing are missing. I sighed and started picking up all the papers on the floor. Javi started cleaning up his desk too. Everything is a mess.

We were half way through cleaning when the team arrived. They were confused as to what we were doing and why the place is messy.

"What did we missed?" Izzy asked still looking around.

"Someone tried to destroy the place and now here we are trying to clean it up" I said tying the garbage bag then pulling it towards the trash can.

"Weren't you late last night Javi?" Izzy said looking at her brother.

"That's because I was busy finishing my report" he said to her.

"Then why do you looked so scared when you got home?" she asked him and I looked at Javi again just to find him already looking at me. The team must've notice because they started looking at me too but I ignored their staring and continue looking at Javi, I raised my eyebrow at him. His mouth closing and opening as if trying to say something but couldn't get the words out. I only frowned deeply.

"Javi, what are you not telling us?" I asked and slowly started walking towards him. He was startled by my action and took a step back quickly. The same fear I saw earlier in his eyes remained.

"I...I...c-can I talk to you for a second? In private" he said still looking straight at me.

"What? Come on Javi if you want to tell her we should hear it too, right guys?" Ollie interrupted but I told him off.

"No, Javi wants to talk to me alone I'll talk to him while you guys can help the others clean up the rest, please?" I said to them, they nodded and walk away to help the others. I turned back around to face Javi again. He still have the same look on his face.

"What is going on? Did you actually do this? because if you do you know I have to tell Ja-" I didn't finished what I was saying because he immediately cut me off.

"NO!" he said loudly and I was actually startled by him and I'm pretty sure the others heard it because they started looking our way. Javi continued to explain but more quietly.

"I mean no, no need to tell Jane because I'm not the one who did this I promise" he explained.

"If it wasn't you then who?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"I-It was...I-It's a g-ghost" he said quietly. So quiet that I could barely hear it if I wasn't leaning in when he said it.

"A what!?" I exclaimed. Did I just hear him say ghost? He said ghost right?

"Yes it's a ghost, it's the reason why I didn't want the others to hear about it because it sound so ridiculous utterly ridiculous" he stated but I was still just staring at him jaw dropped.

"That's why I chose to talk to you alone and tell you this because I know you wouldn't laugh at me" he said staring at me expecting me to say something.

"A ghost here...in Buzzblast..." I muttered at him and he nodded at me.

"Did Jane already looked at the security cameras?" He asked and looked around.

"No...not yet, Javi, this is my chance, OUR chance to prove that ghosts are real, they are real" I told him excitedly, I'm practically bouncing on my feet right now and Javi is actually smiling at me too looking excited as well.

"We need to check those footages, where's Jane?" I asked and looked around the lobby.

"Jane?" I called loudly hoping she would here it.

"What Amelia? Can't you see I'm busy cleaning here" she said and gestured to the garbage bags she's carrying.

"Here let me help you with that" Javi said and took the bags from Jane and put it in the trash can.

"Did you looked at the security cameras yet?" I asked her.

"Not yet, and now that you've mentioned it I should totally check it now" she said and started going upstairs to her office. I went after her and practically dragged Javi with me. When we get there inside Jane was already on it. We went to her side to watch the footage.

So the footage show us that Javi was on his desk busy on his report when the lights started flickering, then he stood up from his seat and tiptoes trying to look upstairs.

"What are at there Javi?" I asked him curiously.

"Well...I heard someone fiddling with your doorknob but I didn't saw anyone" he explained to us.

"That's weird" Jane muttered.

The next moments that happened in the footage was really unexpected. It shows that Javi was hurriedly packing up his things and started heading for the door when he suddenly stops. He slowly turned back around and fear suddenly crossed his features.

"What are you looking at exactly?" Jane asked him.

"Wait, can you look at the other camera angle? I wanna see the middle area" I said to Jane.

We were now looking at a different angle in the lobby, but the place was already mess so I told her to rewind the footage and we are not so ready for what we just saw in the video. The papers went flying on the air and then it scattered all over the floor, the tables was wiped sideways creating more mess and the chairs are suddenly on top of each other.

"What. Just. Happened?" Jane asked still looking at her computer.

"I just heard a loud bang from behind me and when I turned around the whole place was already like that, I told you it wasn't me" Javi said looking at me.

"Do you believe me now?" he asked me. I nodded at him

"Ghosts are actually real" is what I only said looking back at him.


What about you? Do you believe in ghosts?😳

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I hope you enjoy the part two🤗


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