「 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚎𝚗𝚍. 」

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Hey guys,
Read this before reading!!!

I couldn't choose between Boruto and Mitsuki as Y/n's love interests so both have their own separate scenes.
There will be a small indication ( ) that it's going to happen in case you want to read the other character or skip.
If you choose Mitsuki for example, the Boruto one hasn't happened in the storyline. Vice versa.
There will be nothing important to the plot as such in those scenes either.

I'm very indecisive but I also wanted you to be able to choose whoever. 🥲👍

I hope you enjoy reading ^ - ^

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Y/n gasped as she awoke from the water.

Looking at her surroundings, she wore a confused face.

"Where am I..." She spoke as her eyes moved around. There was nothing but shallow water as far as her eyes could see. The sky was a bright blue with specks of clouds.

She got up wondering what to do. She couldn't recall what happened before this.

Was she even alive?

or was it genjutsu? She didn't know.

She looked out frantically for answers but nothing was there.

Suddenly stopping as she noticed a figure in the distance.

Without thinking, she ran towards it. They had their back to her which got her even more curious as to who they were.

Her pace slowed down as she walked toward them.

They were wearing a simple black shirt with matching pants. Their long hair was tied neatly in a low ponytail.

She reached out her hand hesitantly before tapping their shoulder.

"Excuse me-" Y/n froze mid-sentence. The person in front of her turned their head slowly towards her.

"Y/n." He said, smiling softly as he fully faced her. Y/n stepped back a little shocked at who was in front of her.

"Itachi..." She whispered in disbelief.

"You've grown."

"Where am I? Why am I here? Why are you here?" She questioned.

"Now, now, calm down," He frowned slightly, "Just sit down right now and we can talk." He spoke in a soft tone. The water suddenly evaporated and turned into a hard surface as he sat down.

Y/n took a breath in before copying his actions.

"So," He started, "How have you been since the last time we met?"

"I thought I erased your memories."

"Ah, I have my ways of finding out. Anyway-"

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