𝕊𝕒𝕗𝕖𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕝𝕖 Zhongli X Daughter reader

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This was requested by: Anonymous

By "Daughter reader" It's referred to as the reader is Zhonglis child in this scenario. The reader is 14 years old in this scenario.

Disclaimer: The character might be a bit changed to fit the scenario


Second P.O.V!

You had made some plans with your friends a while ago to hang out on this day and with the permission of your dad, you could.

so you woke up quite excited to be with your friends and go around Li Yue. Lucky for you your friends lived right across from your house so in the morning you opened up your window and threw a pebble at your friend's window.

You saw your friend open the window with a towel wrapped around her head and you laughed at it making a joke about how she is a towel head.

You and your friend then proceeded to throw a pebble at your other friend's house giggling while doing so, some of the people who were already out of their houses walking down the street of houses would mutter about how loud kids were in the mornings.

You and your friends paid no mind to it but kept in thought not to be as loud. 

"Alright, ladies! Get ready cause it is going to be a fun day!" One of your friends exclaimed. "Say In Sha Allah don't wanna get jinxed." You heard your other friend say from her window.

You chuckled a bit. "Dāngrán la(Of course) I'll see you guys soon!" You said and waved at them before closing your window and curtains.

You spend some time clothing yourself for the day and the last part was to put on your headscarf.  

You took a safety pin from your drawers of pins and wrapped the long scarf around your head, you then proceeded to pin the scarf under your chin but failed to do so.

You huffed putting the pin in your mouth and fixing up the scarf again. "Why is this suddenly harder to do..." You muttered with the pin between your teeth. 

Before you could try to pin it again you heard a knock on your door. "Y/N? It's just me, may I come in?" You heard your dad's voice. You let out a "Yeah!" and saw the doorknob turn before the door was opened.

He went into the room and saw you with a pin in hand and a scarf wrapped around your head. "Oh? You're already going to leave?" He asked amused walking closer to you. You nodded, "Yes Baba my friends are already getting ready, I would be done too if I could just get this thing to work-" You grunted trying again.

Zhongli put his hand on the needle, "Be careful, or else you'll create holes on this scarf. Here let me help." He said and took off the scarf wrapped around your head. He then gently wrapped it around again.

Zhongli brought the needle up to where you usually would pin it and he successfully did it. "I've seen you done this many times, I know just how you like to wear your veil." He said again before fixing the scarf a bit how he saw you do it many times before.

You just looked at him, the warm feeling of love you had towards him was peaceful, the gentle affection and how careful he was. It was all nice, what a beautiful blessing.

Zhongli stepped away when he finished seeing if he had done it right. He smiled seeing how you looked. 

"Mash'Allah." He whispered loud enough for you to say. You just stood there smiling before going and hugging him and he hugged back.

"Thank you, Baba." You said before breaking the hug. "I should get going, I'll be home before Maghrib!" You said before slowly exiting your room. You heard your dad chuckle, "Stay safe." He said before seeing you leave completely and hearing the front door closing.

On your way out you still could feel your dad's touch on your scarf from earlier.


 Jabir ibn Abdullah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

Whoever has three daughters and he accommodates them, show mercy toward them, and supports them, Paradise is definitely guaranteed for him.

Thus, someone asked the Prophet, what if they are two daughters only

He replied, "[He gets that reward,] even if they are [only] two."

Some of those present believed that had the Prophet been asked about only one daughter, he would have answered that the reward was applicable too. (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

 Uqbah ibn Aamir narrated, I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) say:

"Whoever has three daughters and is patient towards them, and feeds them, gives them to drink, and clothes them from his wealth; they will be a shield for him from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection." (Authenticated by Al-Albani)

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