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Amaya P.O.V

You know when you think of the word God and what it means. You automatically start thinking about an all powerful and perfect being that has no mistakes in its being.

You think of something that has the power to instantly decide whether or not you live or die.

Whether you get rich and famous, or poor and unknown.

Whether or not you see light or darkness.

It's these kinds of thoughts and ideas that run through human minds when the word God is brought up.

So bringing that into mind why....

"And for that reason, You have unfortunately died. My deepest apologies." An old man apologized as he sat and bowed his head down towards me.

" An old man apologized as he sat and bowed his head down towards me

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I stared at him with a confused, but also intrigued expression.

".....Um Sir what are you apologizing for?" I asked as I stared at him.

He lifted his head up and stared at me sadly.

"Yo-Your death was the result of a mistake on my part. So I'd like to return you to life as soon as possible, however returning you to your original world is out of the question." He told me as I listened.

"Those are the rules and I am very sorry for the inconvenience to these circumstances." He said as I just stared at him weirdly.

"So, I'm dead?" I asked as he nodded to my question.

I gave a sigh as I ran my fingers through my black hair.

"Well it was going to happen anyways. No big deal we all make mistakes, even God I guess." I said making him look at me surprised.

"Really?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, It's no problem. I mean in the line of work I was in. Death was surely going to be on my doorstep sooner or later. I'm happy it is the former." I stated making him look at me in shock.

"I-I'm sincerely sorry for the trouble this has caused you Amaya Talger." He apologized once again as I took off my shades to stare at him truly.

" He apologized once again as I took off my shades to stare at him truly

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"It fine, like I said we all make mistakes." I said folding my shades up and placing them in my pocket.

He gave a sigh of relief as he waved his hand and made a tea set appear on the table infront of us.

"You appear awfully calm about all of this. Not to be mean, but your dead you know? Even with your occupation, I thought you would atleast be a little upset." He said as he poured a cup of tea.

"Even if I was upset, it would do nothing for my situation. If you can't change it, don't fuss over it." I said as I stared at him.

"That's quite the outlook to have." He said as I nodded at his words.

'Though, I guess will miss the books I didn't get to finish reading. Curse the captain for getting me hooked on that anime and Manga nonsense. If it wasn't for the fact that I was bored I wouldn't have entertained it.' I thought as I stared at God with a stoic expression.

"As such, I would like to reincarnate you into a different world. There you will be able to start over anew." He told me as my eyes gained an intrigued glint.

"A different world? You mean like in those stupid Isakis?" I questioned as he chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, You will be brought onto a different world. Though, allow me to grant you a small ability as well as a gift that will enhance your body and growth beyond that of the capabilities of other people. That way come what you may, you will not die as easily as last time." He said as he held his arm towards me and his palm glowed.

I felt somthing surge through my body as I also felt somthing getting attached to me on the inside, but it felt like an itch that just faded after.

I stared at God with a questioning gaze.

"What was that?" I asked as he gave me chuckle.

"You'll find out once you reincarnated. Though, now that I think about it. I should also probably gift you this aswell." He said as out of thin air he grabbed a simple looking smart phone.

"Wouldn't want you getting lost in your new world. I've altered the maps and programs of your new smartphone to function in the new world." He said making me stare at the phone in my hand with small intrest as I placed it in my pocket as well.

"Now for the question that's unanswered. What is it that you wish for? If it isn't anything over the top, I can grant it." He said as I stared at him.

"I don't really have anything that I wish for currently. I'm already satisfied with what had been given to me." I said making him look at me in shock before chuckling.

"Desipte the short time we've spent together. I think I should already be accustomed to this." He said as he have me a small smile.

"Well how about this, I'll keep this wish as an IOU until you find a way to return with something in mind. Is that fine with you?" He asked me as I nodded since that was perfectly fine.

"Good, well Amaya, I think that settles everything. Are you ready for your new world?" He asked me as I simply nodded once more.

"Well, I guess this is see you later. If you ever figure out how to come back here. Please do visit, your welcomed too." He told me as with the palm of his hand I felt my vision becoming blurry as I also felt very sleepy.

'*sigh*, let's see how you are new world...'

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