The Sun and Moon - ONE SHOT

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Tsurumaru skipped down the hall, so happy he wouldn't be surprised if he suddenly took flight. Last night, he and Ookurikara had held hands for the first time. Weeks of patience and gentle prodding finally paid off, and for exactly 29 minutes and 37 seconds, he and Ookurikara had held hands in the light of the setting sun.

The two males had been dating for a little over a month now, but their hand-holding last night had marked their first real moment of intimacy. Most people would be discouraged by the lack of warmth and affection in their relationship, but not Tsurumaru. He understood Ookurikara in a way that very few people ever would.

Their new and somewhat strange relationship started in early spring. Tsurumaru, filled with the kind of liquid courage you can only get from copious amounts of sake, finally confessed to his unrequited love under the light of a pale full moon. It wasn't an eloquent confession, and to be honest, he stuttered through most of it, but it felt good to finally say aloud all the desires of his heart.

The stoic Ookurikara said nothing at first, staring at Tsurumaru with abject interest. Finally, after no less than 5 minutes of awkward staring, Ookurikara agreed to be Tsurumaru's boyfriend.

Sure, it wasn't the kind of love story you told your grandchildren, but Tsurumaru was ecstatic nonetheless. He knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that he loved Ookurikara. And though his beloved wasn't the most... expressive person, he complemented Tsurumaru's bright and sunny personality perfectly. If Tsurumaru was the sun, then Ookurikara was the moon...

Ookurikara had come a long way in terms of comradery since he'd first arrived at Saniwa-sama's home, but it was his "loner" personality that Tsurumaru was attracted to the most. Ookurikara preferred solitude over companionship; silence over conversation, and if you asked what his interests were, or if he had any hobbies he enjoyed, he'd probably tell you to f*ck off. But, after fighting alongside his comrades, Ookurikara had finally started to open up. And if Tsurumaru had loved him before, then he loved him a thousand times more now.

Yes, the male was still quiet and standoffish, and yes, when it came right down to it, he still had an air of complete and utter disinterest, but, little by little, his sharp tongue was being dulled. It was a slow process, and a challenge to say the least, but Tsurumaru had never backed down from a fight in his life. And with a reward as priceless as Ookurikara, there was nothing he wouldn't do to succeed...

Tsurumaru glanced out the window mid-skip. What he saw was so shocking, he tripped over his own feet and tumbled to the floor. Crawling over to the window, he pulled himself up using the white-washed window frame for support. He squinted for a better look, his jaw falling open when he realized exactly what he was seeing.

Ookurikara sat in the garden, playing with a tiny human. He was propped up against a tree, while the small creature scooted on its belly towards him. When the bite-sized person reached his foot, it patted Ookurikara's boot, laughing excitedly. Now, if this scene wasn't shocking enough, what happened next was beyond belief. Ookurikara laughed, too...

Tsurumaru pressed his nose and hands to the glass, trying desperately not to cry. He would kill; literally KILL to hear the sound of his beloved's laugh! Was it deep and sultry like he imagined? Would it curl his toes, sending a shiver up his spine and back down again? If anyone deserved to hear Ookurikara's laughter, it was Tsurumaru, not some tiny, misshapen human!

Tsurumaru made a beeline for the door to gardens, trying his best to remain calm. He would confront Ookurikara and this pint-sized human, but he would do it with at least some measure of grace and dignity.

"Morning, Kuri-kun," Tsurumaru said, strolling over to where he and the child sat.

"Morning," he replied; all traces of his laughter gone.

The Sun and Moon:  (Ookurikara X Tsurumaru)Where stories live. Discover now