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     "Be my date for the school festival!" beamed the [h/c]-haired girl in front of the pink-haired male.

"What? No." He flicked your forehead, mentally chuckling at your request. You rubbed the spot where he had hit you, pouting.

'I don't think friends are supposed to go on a date together.' He told himself. He didn't want to say it out loud. He was afraid that he might disappoint you. He hated seeing that kind of look on your face.

A brilliant idea popped in your head, grinning like an idiot. "coffee jelly!"

"Make it two."

Exclaiming as you responded, "Bet!" You knew he would do anything for coffee jelly. Oh, how bad you wanted to be a coffee jelly.

     "Good grief, remind me why I'm with you again?" The male beside you grumbled, heaving out a sigh.

"Come on! It's not so soon 'til this place is filled with many people, right? We better enjoy it! You said you hate crowded places, so I have a plan." You smiled, grabbing his hand as you dragged him.

You glanced at him and noticed he was already looking at you. The expression that was written on his face was telling you to explain what was on your mind. Due to a bunch of voices running through his head, he couldn't read your mind.

That's what he likes to say. Deep inside, there was another reason. A reason he will keep denying. There weren't that many people. It's only quarter to 6 pm. Forty-five minutes until the school festival starts. For now, students were getting ready to open their shops.

"Let's just buy some sweets that can fill your sweet tooth up, okay? We'll go to the rooftop right after then we'll watch the fireworks there. It's at 9 o'clock, so we still have a lot of time!" You continued to drag him, checking out the shops there and then.

"Oooh! Look over there! Nendou—your buddy and Aren are selling cupcakes!" You pointed in the direction through the left. The purple-haired was waving his hands towards you and Kusuo.

Aren was wearing an apron while the man beside him, Nendou, was licking some of the ingredients from his hand.

"Oh, hey, pal!" Nendou abruptly greeted the moment he noticed Kusuo. The pink-haired only nodded in return, slightly annoyed at the attention he was getting.

"What are you guys selling? Ooh!— This looks delicious. Saiki, do you want some?" You asked, glancing at Kusuo as you pointed at the strawberry cupcake that signified his hair.

He gulped before shaking his head from left to right. 'Oh? Saiki refusing to a sweet? How unusual.' You chuckled before asking him once again, "What would you like then? My treat!" You beamed, tugging onto his shirt.

"Now, now. Don't be lovey-dovey here at my sight." A voice jokingly groaned. You turned your head in the direction, seeing Aren with a sarcastic scowl planted on his face.

"What's lovey-dovey?" Questioned Nendou.

You were about to speak to answer Nendou's question, but Kusuo stopped you from doing so by tapping your shoulder.

"Yes? What is it?" You tilted your head to the side. He pointed at a cupcake that had a similar frosting as your hair color. "That." He mumbled, his voice sounded soft, yet his expression was stoic.

"Huh?" Confused at his actions and words, you questioned.

"You asked what I like." He explained, still pointing at the cupcake. Your mouth gaped in realization. You briefly nodded before telling Aren that you would like to buy two cupcakes—the flavored strawberry cupcake which has Kusuo's hair and the cupcake Kusuo pointed at.

The two of you walked side by side, he was happily eating his cupcake while you watched him with an amused expression.

As the two of you continued to pass by some store, something caught your eye. A girl from class 4 - A was selling mangas! Who wouldn't be excited?!

You hastily made your way to the shop direction, pointing at this and that. "I'm sorry, [ surname ]-chan! As much as I want to give it to you, we're still preparing for—"

"I'll pay double price, please, please, pleaseee?" You pouted, still begging. The blonde girl looked at you with a pity smile. "I'm really sorry.." She muttered, grabbing your hand.

You were on the verge of crying. You wanted that manga volume so bad. But the blondie in front of you was trying to resist your charm in which she was awfully failing!

"[ surname ]." A stern voice called put, making you turn in the direction. It was Kusuo. Of course, who else would it be?

His hand made its way to your head, patting it gently. "We can come back here later once the school festival starts. Let's go." His voice was soothing, which made you calm.

He grabbed your hand, leading the two of you to a more quiet place. There was no one around. The two of you were at the very back of the school. Away from the schoolyard and near the swimming pool, which was located beside the gym.

Only trees can be seen in the view when he looks around. He glanced to his left and saw a bench nearby. "Sit here. You must be tired from walking." He forcibly made you sit down even though you weren't tired at all.

"Umm.. sorry about earlier—"

"Silly girl. Why are you apologizing to me? You did nothing wrong." Kusuo chuckled, ruffling your hair.

"Eh?! But still! You still wanted to explore, right?" You felt guilty, really.

It was just a manga volume. Why were you so on about it? You can just buy it next time. You were hurrying because once the clock strikes 6:30, Kusuo might suddenly leave and ditch you due to too much crowd.

"We can just come back there again later, [ surname ]." His hand traveled from your hair to your cheeks, cupping it gently.

Simple actions from him made you blush. You wanted to explode there and then. It sent butterflies to your stomach. It felt like his hand was burning you.

His hand, then, made its way to your lips, rubbing it gently, which made you blush more. 'Does he perhaps enjoys teasing me?!' You questioned yourself, shutting your legs close.

He was standing in front of you whilst you remained sitting on the bench. You were waiting for his next move. But he stopped the moment he realized what he was doing.

"Look at the time. It's almost 6:30. Should we head to the roof now?" You awkwardly laughed, trying to ease the heavy tension.

"..You go head there first. I'm going to buy something real quick." With those words stated, he didn't even say goodbye and hurriedly walked away.

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