1.3 | First Impressions

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First impressions are almost always important — they are the deciding factor on whether a connection was worth it or if it'd be a waste of time. But in true retrospect, it's the second impression that matters more than the first — it's the second impression that shows you the worth of that potential bond.

Perhaps that is why so many give second chances — as they rely too heavily on that first impression. And that's what leads to so many broken promises, broken hearts and the devastating end to that dreadful second chance. Maybe it's time to focus on that second impression — let the real persona that's hidden within the nervousness of meeting someone new disappear and make the impression clearer.

Which is why when Anna and Bella made their way into biology with Mike — who had taken the honour in leading the way — she was genuinely happy to see Edward and Jasper in the room. "Mr Molina," Mike greeted happily gaining the teacher's attention. Anna furrowed her brows as she notice Edward covering his mouth and nose, his glare focused on the twins.

"Hey, Mike. Oh, yes. Miss Swans," Mr Molina spoke noticing the twins behind Mike who made his way to his seat. "Hi. Can I have the passes?" Mr Molina asked them, the twins handed them over. "Thank you. Welcome to the class. Here. Here's your stuff, okay? And I got seats for both of you," Mr Molina rambled before looking at the two remaining seats in the room.

"You can sit there," Mr Molina pointed at Bella before pointing to the seat next to Edward who seemed to shrink in on himself with darkened eyes. "And you can sit in the back," Mr Molina told Anna who smiled happily, nudging her sister towards Edward before walking down to her own seat next to Jasper. The blond had his attention focused on Mr Molina rather than Anna as she sat down.

"All right, guys, today we are gonna be observing the behaviour of planaria aka flatworms," Mr Molina told them but Anna's focus changed as she pulled her journal out and began sketching rather than writing, she smiled softly at the rough outline of a horse. Her pencil glided across the paper delicately as her hair fell over her face like a curtain shielding her from everyone else.

Jasper had turned his attention to Anna once she began sketching — catching a glimpse of the rough sketch before her hair blocked his sight. Jasper struggled with an urge to reach out and brush her hair out of the way — desperately wanting to look into her bright blue eyes that have him convinced that the sky was covered by clouds to spare the skies jealously towards the bright blue hue of her eyes.

Anna finally snapped out of her focused drawing and leaned back in her chair, she brushed her hair behind her shoulder — tucking it behind her ear. She smiled at the drawing, her heart soaring at the detailed shading of the horse. Finally noticing Jasper's burning gaze, Anna turned to look at him — blue meets ocher in a stormy haze causing both sides to halt in the moment.

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