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Once we all were inside the house Liam removed the gun from my head and pushed me towards Czar.  He walked over to Alina who was still crying.

"I am so sorry sweetie, I will never hurt you." He said, trying to calm her down. 

I began to look around the house and then I froze when I noticed that in the kitchen laid two bodies and a pool of blood. 

"Oh my god Czar." I whispered as I grabbed his arm.

Czar turned his head and took in the scene. I felt like screaming, I was terrified and in that moment I had no idea what to do.

"You killed my parents." Alina cried as she backed away from Liam.

"No, no. Can't you see that I am your father, you're real father." He tried to explain to her.

Alina shook her head and cried harder.

"Get the hell away from her, can't you see that she's scared!" Czar yelled.

Liam stood and pointed the gun to Czar. "How about you shut the hell up. I know what I'm doing with my own daughter."

"You think coming here and killing the only parents that she's ever known and  holding a gun to her head is going to make her accept you? You're sick." Czar spat.

Liam crossed the room and placed the gun on Czar forehead. "I told you to shut the hell up!"

"No!" Alina cried as she ran towards Liam. "Don't hurt him please, no more killing."

Liam looked wide eyed at Czar and laughed, laughed like a crazy man.

I could see it now. I could see that what had happened to Liam had really screwed him up, this guy was a nut job, a disaster waiting to happen. 

Liam lowered his gun and patted Alina on the head, stilling staring wide eyes at Czar.

"Don't worry honey, Daddy isn't going to hurt anyone."

"You're sick." I said. 

He turned to look at me, eyeing me up and down before walking closer to me. Czar shoved him and they broke out into a fight. Czar managed to knock the gun out of Liam's hand and it slid across the floor.

"Run Zariah, take Alina and get out of here!" He yelled.

I didn't hesitate to pick Alina up and make my way for the door.

"You open that door and the whole house will blow!" Liam yelled.

I froze and turn to look at him. He laid on the floor, Czar was on top of him chocking him and making him turn red.

"He's bluffing." Czar said. "Get out of here!"
Liam let out a strangled laugh. 

"He's not bluffing." I said. "Let him go Czar he's not bluffing!"

Czar released Laim's neck, but he pulled out his gun and placed it to Liam's head.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Czar asked.

"You really think I would just let you guys come in here? Two versus one? No, I had a plan, the moment that door shut it triggered a bomb, if you open it again this whole entire house will blow." Liam laughed. "And I'm the only one who can stop it."

My stomach dropped as I brought Alina closer to me. We were stuck in here with this lunatic man.

"I mean really Czar, you should know me better than that. I learned from the best." Liam teased. 

Czar smacked him in the head with the gun, knocking him unconscious, Alina  began to cry once again and I wanted to cry with her.

"What are we going to do?" I asked Czar.

"We find a way out." He said.

"But how?"

"He said the front door, he didn't say anything about the back door, or the windows." Czar explained. 

"You take Alina and Annika and get the hell out of here. I'll deal with Liam."

"But I can't leave you here." I said, almost crying.

Czar stood and walked towards me, placing his hands on either side of my face. "I don't want you to see what I'm going to do to him. I don't want you to view me that way. And I need to know that you're safe, so take Alina and go. Go home and call Lada, she'll know what to do."

"And if you don't come back?" I asked.

"I will, I promise."he said.

I closed my eyes and leaned in to give him a kiss. He kissed me back with urgency and need. I pulled away from him and looked deeply into his blue eyes

"Please come back to me." I whispered.

"I will." 

I looked at Alina, who looked back up at me. "I'm going to get you out of here and to safety."

I gave Czar one last glance before walking towards the back door. I made sure to cover Aliana's eyes so that she couldn't see her parents laying on the floor. The sight of them made me feel uneasy myself. I couldn't imagine the fear she must've felt, to have some stranger come inside and to kill your parents and to claim to be your real father. 

Before I opened the back door I took a deep breathe and then yanked it open....no explosion. Nothing happened. I turned to look back at Czar, who was sitting across form Liam's unconscious body, his face was unreadable. It didn't look like him at all, it looked a predator waiting for it's prey. 

I quickly looked away and exited through the back door. I ran to the front of the house before opening the backseat door to the car.

"What happened? Where is Czar." Annika asked.

I said nothing as I placed Alina in the seat and buckled her seat belt. Annika stared at her with wide eyes but said nothing, it was clear to see that Alina was in distress. I got into the driver's seat and hurried to pull off, my heart racing. 

I could only think about Czar as I drove away, was he going to be okay? Was he going to kill Liam. It didn't feel right leaving him alone. So, without thinking I pulled out my phone and dialed the only person I knew could help.

"Hello, Anderi? I need your help with soemthing...it's about Czar."


The next part will be told in Czar's pov so you guys will know what happens between him and Liam. We offically have 11 chapters so go before the book ends and the epilouge of course. I will not be making this book a series like the "Lust" series but I do have a new series out called the "The Sinful" Series and i recommend that you all check that out. I'm letting you all know chapter 41 there will be a very small time jump. Anyways, don't forget to comment, vote, share and follow. Until next time my lovelies. 

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