Chapter 1

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I enjoyed the night sky. It had a certain peacefulness to it that I was quite fond of. The wet brush of cool grass danced across the back of my arms. The air smelled of rain and dirt as it usually did, however tonight it was mixed with the musk of Jacob's skin. My family often complained about it, but it comforted me; made me feel safe.

"Who do you think is out there?" I asked him as I gazed heavenward.

"I dunno, aliens," he answered lazily.

"No really, do you think we are just alone, spinning aimlessly in space?" I questioned as my head rolled toward him.

"Well the way you put it sounds pretty depressing so no, I don't think we are alone." He mumbled on the verge of sleep.

His breaths were becoming deeper and more even. I knew that if I did not get him up now, he would be out here until morning. I jumped up to my feet, pulling him up with me. He stumbled, surprised by my sudden action.

"Jeez Ness, you could have just asked-"

"Jake, I know you. You wouldn't have lasted five more seconds if I had let you lay there." I cut him off. "Come on, you can sleep inside."

He followed reluctantly, not particularly excited about sleeping on "bloodsucker" sheets, but appreciative that they were being offered to him in the first place. He trudged his way up to the guest bedroom on the second floor, which at this point was basically his room, and I heard him flop down on the bed and immediately start snoring. It was really quite adorable. I heard Rosalie groan.

"Why does he have to stay here?" She asked irritably under her breath.

"Well there was no way I was going to let him drive himself home. Also, I really didn't want to listen to his snoring all the way back to the reservation." I explained.

"Well I don't want to stay to have to listen to it all night. Em, let's go." She ran out the back door. Emmett came flying down the stairs and out after her.

It was close to midnight so I decided it might be a good idea to go to sleep myself. It was weird being the only one in the family who slept, I felt like I was missing out on so much. Mom always told me that nothing really interesting goes on, but still. I ran back to our cottage in the woods and walked into my room. The pale walls offset the dark windows nicely. I may be half human but my vision is impeccable.

The soft crackle of the fireplace from the living room was quite relaxing to doze off to. My parents were not home yet, probably still out hunting. I sometimes go with them but I prefer to go with Jacob, as he is much more playful and enjoyable then the rest of them. He understands what it is like to be a strange halfbreed. It is weird feeling out of place all the time, always being singled out. I'm glad I have Jake to feel somewhat normal with.

- - -

I dream that I am floating in a cool pool of water with the sun shining on my face. My hair is splayed wildly about my head. It's a feeling of utter bliss and tranquility. I let myself sink down under the surface of the water. The cold attacks me, chilling me to the bone. My lungs feel like they are on fire from the absence of oxygen, although I don't require it. This is how I know it's a dream. I twisted around franticly to try to swim back up to the surface but I can never reach it. I look around me but I see absolutely nothing, only darkness.

I wake with a start. I see my father standing at the foot of my bed.
"I apologize for waking you, I saw you were having a nightmare." He whispered.
"No it's okay, thank you." I answered back politely, slightly winded.
"Jacob is waiting for you back at the main house. I believe he is debating on what you would like to have for breakfast."
"Perfect, I'm starving. What has he decided on?" I asked.
"He is thinking about making French toast, but if you don't get there soon, he will just settle for cereal." He told me and chuckled.
"Okay, great."

I swung out of bed and quickly pulled a brush through my hair. I opened my closet and settled on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt. Alice would defiantly not approve. I bolted out the door and through the woods towards the house. As soon as I crossed the river, I was enveloped in the delicious smell of French toast. I had become accustomed to the taste and smell of human food and had actually grown to enjoy it. Although animal blood was preferable, it was much easier to coexist with humans when you ate their food. I walked in to the house through the back door to find Jacob and Esme side by side in front of the stove, accompanied by the sound of frying batter.

"Well it took you long enough." Esme called to me over her shoulder. I could hear the humor in her voice.
"Yeah, you would think that she was locked in her coffin or something." He chuckled, amused by his own sense of humor.
"Ha ha." I said sarcastically as I walked over to the cupboard to grab myself a plate. I appreciated when people made my meals for me because I am a truly horrid chef.

Jake came to sit next to me after he had piled his plate high with food, brushing his leg on mine as he settled into his chair. The warmth of his touch that others felt seemed normal to me, as I didn't notice any difference from my own skin whatsoever.

The aroma of cinnamon, maple, and butter wafted around me as I ate. The meals Esme cooked were delicious, despite her not eating human food.

"So, I was thinking maybe you could come down to the reservation after we are done eating?" Jacob suggested to me. Our trips down to La Push often made me nervous. Things were usually fine but every now and again, the tension among the tribe would simmer quite close to the surface.

"Sure, I would love to!" I said between bites, trying to sound enthusiastic.

"Awesome, I will let Billy know we are coming down, just in case..." He mused. I immediately knew he was referring to some of the tribal leaders. They didn't approve of me crossing over their boarder. Being with Jacob was sometimes difficult. We are obviously not a conventional pairing, which makes lots of things strange sometimes, but because he had imprinted on me, the elders understood how important I was to him. Imprinting is a strange thing. I know that my feelings for Jake are strong but I do have the option to choose, unlike him. I know he would understand wholly if I didn't choose him, but I also know it would tear him apart.

As soon as we were done with breakfast, we walked out the front door, not bothering with a car, took to the forest and started running.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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