Chapter 1:The unexpected turn of events

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(Dipper's POV)
As Bill was thinking which one of as he was going to kill,I was thinking if he chose Mabel then he would kill the other half of me.She doesn't deserve this.Neither my family nor my friends deserve this.

"Bill wait.Don't do this please."I shouted

"Oh and why should I!?"Bill said as he started laughing with that maniacial laughter of his.

"Because I want to make a deal"When I said that I caught his attention.I couldn't believe that I said the one thing I promised to myself I wouldn't say and do.But it was all for them.They don't deserve this after all...right?

"DIPPER DON'T PLEASE!!!"My sister shouted with tears in her eyes

"DIPPER PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!!!WE'LL FIND ANOTHER WAY!!!"My uncle Ford shouted as Bill was turning from yellow to red because of angrer.

"SHUT UP SIXER AND SHOUTING STAR"Bill shouted outrageously as he teleported my sister into the cage that my uncles where...And as for me,he placed me to the ground.

"Let my family and friends go"I said with a serious tone.

"Hmm...And what would I get in return?~"Bill asked with a flirty tone.

"Me...I don't care what are you going to do to me because I'm not scared of you anymore."I said with an angry look in my face that suprisingly didn't make Bill upset.He was just smiling with that bright and creepy smile of his.That kind made feel uncomfortable.

"Sure."Bill said with a cheerfull tone as he was putting his hand to make the deal.

"So do we have a deal?"Bill said as our eyes met.

"Deal"I said as I was shacking his hand and blue flames were coming out.When we finished shaking hands he started laughing again with that maniacial laugher of his.He started walking towards me and because I was so scared I started walking backwords and next thing I knew I bumped into a wall and he had me.He could do anything that he wanted...As our eyes met I couldn't stop staring at his big weird eye.

"L-Let them go."I said as I turned my face away from him so I could hide my blushing face.

"Fine...A deal is a deal after all."He said as he snapped his fingers to free them and when they were free I saw my sister crying and that broke my heart.As his henchmaniacs were getting them out Bill just snapped his fingers and everything just went black.
Hey guys.I know I said that I wouldn't post anything in this month but I decided to post my first chapter so I wouldn't feel that bad that I restarted this book.(But I promise you it's gonna be better)Btw sorry that it's pretty short as a chapter but I promise the next chapter will be longer.Bye Bye~


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