Chapter One

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I woke up in a strange room. As I sat up, I noticed the taste of blood in my mouth. I glanced down and muttered something I couldnt hear. I went to stand up using the old desk that stood in the room. My fingernails they had been torn out. I noticed a boarded up window beside me.

The room was pitch black, but all I could see was a small glimpse of light from the window. I honestly cant remember anything. I cant remember my name, age, nor address. Everything was dead silent.

I tugged on the boards, gaining a few splinters. Once I finally tore off every board, I quickly jumped out the window. I was in a one-floor story building. I ran to the nearest road and waved for help. I dont remember why I knew this sign. Before I knew it, a young man had stopped and pulled over.

Oh my god, are you okay? The man asked me, deeply concerned.

I dont know.. Ive been.. I paused.

Wait, I didnt know what happened to me. How was I supposed to explain this? I panicked, knowing if I said something whoever did this to me, would come back to kill me.

I think I was kidnapped, but Im not sure, I said.

Do you remember anything? The man questioned.

No.. I sighed.

He looked at me worried. He looked to be about eighteen. He was kind enough to drive me to the hospital, where he called 911 and his parents. When his parents arrived, they were nice enough to bring me home after I was treated for my wounds. They had explained to me that I had two severely broken bones, one fractured bone, three second degree burns and one sprained wrist.

This all came as news to me. I never knew I had been hurt that bad. I mean, I probably had been sitting in that dark room for days, for all I know. This pain was all new to me. I couldnt imagine what I had gone through in the past few days, hours, possibly weeks.

I finally learned the guys name who had rescued me from the side of the road. His name was Steven. He was about 60, with dusty brown hair and hazel eyes. I wanted to get close to him as a friend, but I dont know how. Maybe if I just think this through. Thats when it hit me. I dont even know my own name.

I sat in the guestroom and looked at myself in the full sized mirror. I looked at my own reflection in awe. I never realized until now what I looked like. My mind wandered, fantasizing about if someone in the world missed me, and was looking for me. I glanced back at the mirror, and stared at my auburn locks of hair and sky blue eyes. I never realized how pretty I was. Thats when I heard a knock at the door.

Uh, hey. Are you dressed? My mom brought you some clothes, I heard Steven say.

Yeah, give me a second, I responded.

I opened the door, and Steven was holding out a pile of clothes for me. I looked at him confused.

My mom bought you some clothes, he said.

Tell her thanks, I smiled.

Steven nodded and walked away. I was left to myself. Glancing in the pile of clothes, I noticed a dress. It was a beautiful yellow sundress. I tried it on, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked amazing. I peaked out of the doorway, and started down the stairs. The mumbling coming from the kitchen was loud enough for me to hear.

I opened the kitchen door and everyone just stared at me. I blankly stared at the floor in embarrassment. Stevens mother looks at me and grins.

Oh dear, you look stunning! she said.

Thank you, I responded shyly.

I paused before I turned to leave. I looked at Stevens mom. I opened my mouth to say something, but I paused and took a deep breath.

Maam, I have a question. Will I ever find out my name? I said in a sad tone.

Of course you will! she responded.

I smiled. I knew this family were people I wouldnt forget. I enjoyed how they never asked me what happened. Its like they figured I wouldnt remember. I loved this family. Stevens family always treats me respectfully, which I enjoy. I headed back up the stairs into the guest bedroom where I was staying. I looked around my room and noticed a desk. It was an old wooden one that had a built-in lamp. I sat at the chair that had been provided in the room and pulled out a journal that had been bought for me. I began to write a little diary entry about each day. I was in the middle of a sentence when I heard a voice, and it seemed familiar.

The voice came from downstairs. I knew I felt like I knew this voice from somewhere, but where? I snuck downstairs to grab a snack, but I was really trying to figure out how I knew this voice. It sounded like the person had a gravely and monotone voice. I cant recall who he is. Maybe hes one of my kidnappers? Im not entirely sure.

I eventually gave up on thinking and grabbed an apple and ran back up the stairs. I began to write in my diary again, but this time about the somewhat familiar voice. I began thinking again. Tapping the pencil along the desk, I came up with a thought. This thought made me terrified.

Maybe, they found me, I whispered.

No, it cant be,

Could it be..? I softly said.

I gasped when I saw the time. It was mid-afternoon. I shrugged it off, and decided to put on the pair of sweatpants and hooded sweatshirt that I was given. Dressing myself quickly, while avoiding my arm cast and knee brace. I crawled into bed, to take a nice nap. I shut my eyes and propped my arm up.

It must have been about two hours, because I woke up around three. I sat up with a yawn. I sat up and placed my arm on my chest. All of a sudden, I heard my stomach growl. Oh, yeah.. I didnt eat lunch. I worked my way down to the kitchen where I saw a note and a plate of food on the table. I tilted my head. Picking up the note, I frowned. Steven and his parents both went out. At least they left lunch for me.

I sat down at the island counter and began to eat the piece of pepperoni pizza that was left out for me. Within fifteen minutes, the pizza was gone. I gathered myself into the living room. I noticed that the TV was on, so I grabbed the remote and picked out a movie. I sat down and watched for about an hour before I got bored.

I heard a crash come from upstairs. From my only knowledge after being kidnapped was that I needed to find help. I ran up the stairs to find a rock with a note tied to it. I picked up the rock that sat in between the broken glass shards. The note read: WEVE FOUND YOU.

I looked at the note in shock. Was this from the man who was here this morning? I glanced out the window and saw a figure run away. Was this really happening?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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