❤️🧡🍞Another day at the Bakery 🍞🧡❤️

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This will start off as Mais Perspective and Mai runs a Bakery in town! Hope you enjoy ▼・ᴥ・▼ and Mai has a fluffy corgi named Biscuit because yea 🤩‼️ also this might contain some Kurusaka, Q-kai , Anzu x Kudgie, and naoreko because why not 🤪‼️

The smell of fresh cinnomen buns coming out a oven and hot brewing coffee scented the air with a lovely aroma as Mai worked around her Bakery serving orders for couples and adults breakfast lunch and even sometimes Late time dinner! As the Sun came up to awake people that it's morning time and to get there breakfast half off at Mai's sweet and treats bakery

" Pretty busy this morning huh?" a Customer said to Mai

" yup! Everyone loves these strawberry and choclate cinnamon buns to wake them up in the morning!" Mai said preparing the guys coffee

" You run this place?" the customer asked curiously

" Sure do! With my 2 Sweet colored gloves!" Mai said showing her red gloves to the customer almost done with his coffee

Mai loved to answer Customers questions until the certain customer asked one question that got Mai thinking

" Hey Mai let me ask you something...." the customer said paying and taking his coffee

" Go ahead! I love customers questions!" Mai said cheerfully

" Do you have like a love life or a husband of any sort?...." the customer said with a sly voice

" Nope not at all" this time Mai said in a Sharp tone that noted the customer to walk away

" okay then I suggest to check the 10 dollar bill I gave you!" The customer said walking off to his car

Mai pulled out a stupid card with a horribly written number on it and sighed

Mai hated thinking about love and crap she could never find the right date or the right person there was one person she used to love and that was someone named Q-taro but it just started to change and Q-taro even has a lover named Kai Satou and he's really nice also!

Mai watched over the couples eating there cinnomen buns and scrambled eggs until a sudden familiar yell came from the back door

" IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY!" Anzu yelled to Mai since she was a Hour late

" It's fine Anzu no need to panic and all that!" Mai said noticing the hoodie she wears everyday

" okay! Sorry that I'm you know..... A hour late" Anzu said trying to sound happy

" It's fine can I just ask a simple question Anzu?" Mai said brightening the mood

" go ahead my pleasure for being late!" Anzu said offering

" You have a brother right Kurumada?" Mai said pouring herself a coffee

" Oh! Yea! He's a boxer and super strong!" Anzu said brightening up

" Doesn't he have a Lover?" Mai said curiously sipping her coffee and fixing up her bread hat

" Oh yea! His names Shinsuke Hayasaka! There like so different! Like my brothers a boxer and he's a office worker! But I'm glad my brother has a love life! And plus they match really well! " Anzu said

Mai felt a little heartbroken to hear those words come out of Anzus mouth how it seems like everyone has a crush or a lover expect for Mai

" very nice anzu!" Mai said putting her hands together and started taking off her gloves

Love at the Bakery ❤️🧡 ( Mai x Maple story) Where stories live. Discover now