Everything is changing

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One normal morning Claudia and peaches go on their morning walk together, leaving fin at home sleeping late from a long late night in the studio with bil.
Current time: 9:35am
Claudia and peaches are done with their walk, now picking up some breakfast. They get home and check the mail. Small package in the mailbox with fins name on it. Claudia calls fin downstairs for his package and breakfast. (FLASHBACK 7 MONTHS AGO) Fin is shopping from an engagement ring for Claudia. He finds one he likes and it will be in for the perfect time he wants to propose. (BACK TO PRESENT DAY) Fine rushes downstairs with pants halfway on and his hair all messy. Rushed to Claudia and grabbed the package then says "baby pleaseee say you didn't open it". Claudia replied with "no no no I didn't" then continues to ask "why so concerned". Fin just could not resist, he open the package and out comes a small box. He then got on one knee and states "Claudia Sulewski you have made my life the best it has ever been and I'm asking you to make me the happiest man on planet earth and become my wife". Claudia instantly busted into tears and replied with "YESS Finneas I will" Fin jumps off his knee and places the ring on her finger then planting a kiss on her lips. Claudia Said "we have to tell Billie and your parents right nowww" They first call Billie and answer-hey fin— hey bil- fin said with a huge smile. Billie being concern and anxious, she asked "IS CLAUDIA PREGNANT, IM AN AUNT!?!?" Finneas denies and Claudia walks in the camera with her hand on her face, showing the huge Diamond ring on her finger. Billie screamed in excitement. They stay on the phone a little while longer then after they both call their parents.
Later that day: 8:35pm
Finneas and Claudia throw a little party for their engagement. They only invited their parents, Billie and her gf (y/n), and of course the dogs. In the same in Billie and y/n planned a date at 9:00pm. Before leaving the party early, Billie asked fin if shark could stay here until after the date. Fin didn't care and let shark stay and play with pepper and peaches. ——— Billie and y/n leave for their date, first stop movie under the stars. Sadly that got cut very short because it started to rain on them. They both run back to the car and cry laugh on the way home. They now get home and change into non-wet, cozy clothes. Now sitting at home bored with nothing to do but cuddle and watch a movie. Billie gets and idea.  Y/n is laying on Billie chest and Billie said to her "babe are you because if you are I have an idea for us to do" y/n gets up and sit on billies lower body and asked "what kind of idea bil" in a flirty tone knowing what Billie is thinking. Billie said " you know babe, like me and you time??" Y/n starts to move her hips on Billie, slowly riding her thigh. Billie quickly switching roles bc she disliked being bottom. Billie now kissing y/n on the neck moving down her body, slowly leaving little purple marks on her. Now getting to the bottom of her t-shirt, Billie then asked y/n if she had permission y/n nods with pleasure. After the shirt then comes the bra, Bil stares for an uncomfortable but comfortable about of time teasing y/n. Billie finally gets to the underwear tugging them off of her, knowing it's attractive to y/n. She then slowly rubs up and down y/n body, stops with one on a boob and the other hand on her thigh. Slowly reaching to her pu$$y, starts gently rubbing her sensitive clit. Quickly getting fast and inserting three fingers at one time, it catches y/n by surprise. Y/n let's out a loud moan from her lips that turn Billie on all the way, Billie take her shorts and underwear off   interlocking y/n and her legs together and going hard and fast causing y/n to slightly shake. Bil getting off and she sticks her tongue in and out of y/n entrance while rubbing her clit hard. Y/n reaches her limit and her juices are everywhere. But bils not done, she quickly grabbed a vibrator and gets back on y/n moving her hips. Begins to reach her limit and her juices are all over y/n, Billie cleans y/n and y/n cleans her. After y/n can barely walk so Bil carefully carries her to the shower. ——— After their shower they go back to fins house to get shark, but when they get there Claudia and fin notice that y/n can barely walk from the door to the kitchen. So fin and Claudia look at Billie and say "so how was that "date" of yours bil and y/n" they both look up and laugh at each other


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2022 ⏰

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