06 pasta per vendetta

104 11 108

Warning: loads of dialogues, will try to minimise them later.

Next morning

Nina aroused faultlessly fine and right next to her existed Mona snoring. Something about the drool on her cheeks says that she had enough sleep. Her soaked t-shirt had enough punishment she believes yet she doesn't bother to wake her up. The headache which she had yesterday might come back if she does so.

"How do you feel" Nina flinched at the unexpected voice, Owen's voice. She was not used to a man, a handsome man to be clear, who casually appears inside her room and asks how she feels.

"Did you sleep here?" She gasped while he was entering the bedroom. He was in his half-sleeve innerwear, his hair neatly combed with gel. On his shoulder hung his dark brown shirt.

"Yeah I couldn't leave you both alone, you were fine but this girl was wasted" his disgusted look towards Mona wasn't new to watch. "She drank too much yesterday" Nina quips getting up from her bed.

"I made breakfast and some side dishes so you girls don't have to cook today and I'll leave now, got tons of work" he strode outside the living room, picking up his jacket from the couch.

"Oh the guest room was kind of dirty so I cleaned it, hope you don't mind" he smiled awkwardly.

"That's my roommate's room," she chuckled thinking how Emily is gonna freak out once she sees her neat room.

"and I am sorry you didn't have to do that" Oh well he had to cause there were no clothes inside her closet, everything was all over the floor and bed.

He just flashed and walked outside. "Take care, call me when you need something" he shouted on his way to the elevator.

Nina sprinted inside her room and made an effort to wake Mona, she gulped too many bottles yesterday and was in no situation to be awake by Nina.

"Cow" Nina howled giving up.

Her phone abruptly rang somewhere in the room, she searched for it and found it inside the purse she took to the party yesterday.

"Hey...Namjoon" she started, thinking he must have called to check up on her but soon to her confusion.

"Hey Nina, please open the door," he said.


"We are standing outside sweetieeee" Elijah screams making her move the phone away before her ear drums fell out.

She jogged outside to the living room and unlocked the door in wonder. "Hey, princess....!!" Namjoon howled pushing past her.

"My sweet bun bun" Elijah hugs the life out of her.

"How are you?" Taehyung questions. The only person who genuinely seems to worry about her.

"Good morning by the way" Namjoon smiles showing off his dimples.

Those three boys headed inside as if they had plans at Nina's. They had bought pizzas, burgers, other groceries, flowers and wine Of course. "What are you guys doing here, wait how the freak did you get my address"

"Latter, I followed Owen yesterday" Elijah lifts his hand before answering. Nina stared at him in disbelief. "What bun bun? He looked sceptical" he argued walking away from her.

"And Nina, what happened to you yesterday was our fault and it's also our responsibility to help you" Namjoon explains holding her elbows which makes her want to scream but stay quiet and still like a damn sloth. "Thanks for coming but I am fine" Nina smiles at him.

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