Oliver White

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"Good morning everyone" I greeted everyone in the reception.

"Oh, good morning Ms Jones. There is a customer waiting for you in the waiting area." Mrs Garcia, the receptionist, said smiling at me.

"Oh, thanks for informing me" I replied then headed towards the waiting area. I opened the door and was about to greet who is inside when I saw him sitting there.

"Good morning, Celine"

"M-Matthew?" I stood at the door shocked. I almost forgot about him. What is he doing here and how did he know? I looked him in the eyes trying to read him. Didn't he see my note? My gaze darted to his hands that were playing with something. The ring. Then he must have seen the note. So again ... "What are you doing here?" I asked finally breaking the silence.

"I came to talk to you." He said standing up and walking towards me as he pushed back his hair,

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Ouch that is harsh. It is even harsher that you blocked my number and took off leaving not contact details to reach you." He said smiling. Has his face been always this unpleasing to look at? Why do I feel sick all of a sudden? His voice was really annoying to hear.

"How did you know about this place?" I asked crossing my arms and standing in a less nervous way. I leaned on the door's frame and slightly raised my head up. He cocked an eyebrow then smiled.

"You have changed. You have such a tough pose it almost makes you appealing."he said scoffingly flashing me one of his dirty smiles.

"How did you know about here, Matthew?" I repeated my question in a sterner tone.

"Well, I bumped into Ryan and we had a small talk"

That fucking idiot! Why can't he keep his mouth closed? Always spilling everything. Next time I see him I am stuffing his mouth with dirt and once it is full I will keep pushing till I shove it down his throat.

"Okay then, I believe we are done here." I said turning around and starting to leave when he wrapped his fingers around my arms stopping me rather harshly. He then grabbed me back into the room causing me to turn around to face his disgusting face.

"What is it Matthew!" I slightly shouted. I am fed up with him and everything connects me to him. I can't bear taking another look at him. I never despised someone that much in my whole life. I spent a year and a half with him and as I look at his face I can't remember a single happy thing. Just how blinded were I?!

"I want to talk to you."

"I have work to do"

"I am not leaving!"

I realised that our voices started to raise gradually and I don't want to make a fuss in the place. I took a deep breath then exhaled calming myself down then I placed my hand on his chest slightly pushing him away from me and then yanked my arm out of his grip.

"Then wait. I will finish work at 4:30. We can talk then.

"I will-" He was about to object when Mrs Garcia interfered.

"Mrs Jones. I believe that they need you upstairs." She said sternly with her high pitched voice.

"Yes! I am coming." I replied then turned to face her exiting the waiting area. I smiled at her and nodded a silent thank you. She smiled back at me and winked. I ran upstairs to finally start my shift leaving Matthew behind and hoping he loses hope and just leave.

I Went straight to Mr Taylor. He asked me to go to the storage and start with separating and arranging the materials we just received. I started at once and as I was in the storage room I kept scanning the place thoroughly. If it wasn't for Justin I would have been staying in here for two weeks. I smiled as I remembered all the dumb stuff we have been through in the last couple of days. If I ended up in this room I would have totally ended up regretting leaving Matthew's place, but right now I am actually grateful. If there is one thing I would regret about the whole thing is that I haven't left Matthew sooner. Time passed and I kept receiving new materials to put in place, but I didn't mind at all. This is my place and this is the kind of thing I would prefer to spend my time doing.

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