1.12 | Baseball

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

"Bella, you need to seriously relax," Anna told her sister as she brushed her hair into a ponytail, the two had been invited to the Cullen's home so the family could meet Bella more formally now that she and Edward were public. While Anna had already spent time with the Cullen's, especially after the subjective vision that Alice had of her 'causing Jasper to be more protective than before.

"How are you so calm?" Bella asked her sister adjusting her shirt. "I'm calm because I'm well acquainted with their home. Now, I'll see you later," Anna told her sister before giving her a side-hug. Jasper had decided to pick Anna up early per Rosalie's request, since Anna's strange mental attack, Rosalie had formed a protective bond with her and the two became friends.

"Bye, dad!" Anna shouted out to her father before walking outside right as Jasper pulled up to the house. "Hello, darlin'," Jasper greeted as she climbed into the car, the two shared a chaste kiss before Anna pulled on her seatbelt. "I can feel Bella's nerves from here," Jasper told her with a small smile, interlocking their fingers and resting their hands on Anna's thigh.

"I think she's internally panicking about becoming the meal," Anna told Jasper with an amused smile, the couple both laughed. "Your sister has quite the mindset," Jasper replied which made Anna laugh again. "And how has Rosalie reacted to this? She has been hesitant," Anna asked Jasper as she watched the trees pass by.

"Rose is... hesitant about this. There are risks with Bella and Edward's relationship compared to our own," Jasper explained, he was glad that Rosalie had accepted Anna so quickly. "How so?" Anna asked. "Bella isn't just Edwards mate, she's his blood singer. Her blood is more... desirable for him which can be a risk," Jasper explained.

"Oh, that makes more sense. Anyway, what is Esme cooking because I am hungry for some mama Esme cooking," Anna asked with a wide smile, her stomach purring in delight. From the time Anna had spent at the Cullen home, Esme was given an opportunity to cook ─ something she deeply enjoyed ─ And Anna fell in love with her cooking. "She's cooking Italian," Jasper answered as they pulled up to the house.

Anna didn't wait for Jasper to shut off the car, she opened the door and raced into the house leaving Jasper smiling fondly at her excitement. "Mama Esme!" Anna called out as she stepped in the door. "Beth!" Rosalie called out as she walked towards her, the two embraced each other in a tight hug before walking into the kitchen.

"Oh my, that smells so good!" Anna practically moaned as she relished the smell wafting through the kitchen. "I'm glad, Annabeth," Esme told her before planting a soft kiss on her temple. "Is Bella nervous, Anna Banana?" Emmett asked with a smirk on his face as Anna sat next to him at the counter.

"She's a little nervous so, uh, tease her," Anna told him with a smirk on her face, Colton laughed as he nodded. "You'll all leave Bella alone. This is new for her and us," Esme warned them all causing Emmett, Colton and Anna to pout. Rosalie wouldn't admit it but she loved how Anna seemed to fit into the family perfectly, she didn't leave anyone out.

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