Cat And Mouse

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AN; Hai meh lovelies! I just got into two things; Yaoi and KevEdd, so here's my appreciation story for those two FABULOUS thingies. I'm not really sure how it's going to turn out and I might not finish it, but I had to do something to release the fangirl juices slowly bloating my heart to preposterous sizes. Hope yall like it!

Edd's P.O.V.

I didn't really care a monumental amount for labels. Gay, straight, black, white, ugly, pretty; They were all just meaningless words that, in my honest opinion, had no healthy purpose in this world. Unless making plastic surgery a more desirable activity could be considered salubrious in today's society.

But I would be lying if I said it took a while for me to accept the insignificance of these assinine classifications. I'd been called more than a few derogatory terms dealing with my sexuality. Which, by the by, was in fact completely heterosexual. Despite popular belief at Peach Creek High School.

Frustration was a reoccuring and nearly constant emotion that I felt inside the hick town. They had very strict expectations there; If you were a muscular male, you were a dumb jock, if you were skinny guy, you were an athletically challenged geek, if you were a well endowed girl, you were accepted as cool, and if you had no curves to speak of, you were doomed to the nerdy table of the cafeteria.

It was all about body types and outward appearances here and I did not approve one little bit. As cliche as it might come across, a great personality turned me on way more than I pretty face. Maybe I only felt that way because I actually had more than ten functioning brain cells.

Groaning, I ran a hand over my face and shook myself a little. My thoughts weren't usually this odious. I was just in a fouler mood than usual due to my current unpleasant situation.

At the moment, I was trudging through mud puddle after mud puddle as rain continued to pound against my shirtless form. Yes, shirtless!

My last class of the day had been Gym and, upon entering the locker room, I discovered that someone thought it would be utterly hilarious to steal my top. How could me getting hypothermia possibly be perceived as amusing to those neanderthals?

I probably should of just kept the P.E. shirt on, but it was against school policy to take the uniforms home. I had complained about this rule before, thinking about how horribly unsanitary keeping them there stewing in one room all year long was, but I had been assured they all got washed once a week. Anyways, the injunction seemed nearly masochistic to follow now that I was soaked to the bone and covered in goosebumps.

Shrugging my book bag into a more shielding position, I hustled down the street at a speedier pace. I usually didn't mind walking home; It provided my body with the daily, doctor recommended excercise I needed and, an added bonus, it kept me away from all the germs and drama on the public bus.

I shuddered as I recalled the incident last month involving Ed, Plank, and a bottle of mayonnaise that had occured on the mode of transportation. Lost in my train of thought, I didn't notice the obvious risen crack in the sidewalk that I was usually more cautious around. So, predictably, I tripped over and faceplanted in the wet concrete.

"Ow!" I yelped, quickly sitting up to cradle my bleeding nose.

Oh, bother. I would have to get home immediately to prevent any infection from occuring. I didn't even have anything to apply pressure with, except my hands, and that would've been disgusting. Wincing a bit, I tilted my head back and pinched the bridge of my nose in an attempt to stop the crimson liquid from flowing.

And then I froze like that, my peripherals picking up a shadow from approximately three and a half yards away. The person was just standing there, getting attacked by water droplets and... watching me.

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