2.4 | New Bonds

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Annabeth rode her motorbike down the empty road, letting her body lean with the bike as she turned the corners. She smiled at the free feeling that riding that death machine, as her father lovingly calls it, gave her. It had been a few months since the Cullens left Forks and the blonde Swan was handling it surprisingly well with all things considered, though she missed Jasper with every fibre of her being; she understood why they had to leave. Despite still holding a grudge towards the mind reader who will be punched in the face. As she turned the corner, something crashed into the side of her sending Annabeth off of the motorbike.

Annabeth hit the pavement hard, her head splitting from the impact as she rolled to a stop leaving her panting as she held her arm to her chest. Light steps moved toward her, she looked up to see a pale woman with dark hair and an evil smirk upon her face. "You? You're the one who tamed the Major?" The woman spoke with an overly dramatic tone, she held her head high with full confidence despite the way she looked at Annabeth; a lioness staring down its prey. Annabeth's vision blurred as her head pounded, she swallowed slowly and she eased her racing heart.

"And yet he left you here, unprotected and so, so unmarked," She taunted as she moved closer, Annabeth felt a strange sensation within her body; familiar tingles much like the night she saw the visions. "You claim unprotected, I claim otherwise," Annabeth replied as she focused on the tingles within her body, she closed her eyes from the pain within her arm and head before opening them again. Everything around her was clearer, she could see the specks of dirt within the air and the distant animals within the woods.

She turned her head to the woman who stood with wide crimson eyes, the nomad stepped back as she watched Annabeth stand from the ground with a smirk on her face. "Della Freya, it's not possible..." The woman spoke fearfully, her pale skin glistened under the slight sun while Annabeth watched her closely. The woman stepped back when a growl echoed through the empty woods, Annabeth turned her head to see a large black wolf snarling at the nomad before stepping protectively in front of the injured Annabeth Swan.

Another growl followed by a large grey wolf stepped up on the other side of Annabeth, the nomad knew her only chance of survival would be to run; she took that chance. Annabeth held her hand out to stop the wolves from chasing her, she smiled softly before locking eyes with the large black wolf, the Alpha. "Hello, Sam Uley," Annabeth greeted with a grin as her vision eased until she stumbled from the hit to her head. Both wolves moved to steady her before Sam lead the woman back to the packs homes on the Reservation.

⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

"Well, you aren't concussed so that's a good thing," Emily, Sam's Imprint spoke as she cleaned up the bloody wound on Annabeth's head. "That's good however, I'm more concerned about my bike," Annabeth replied before the two laughed. "Your bikes fine, Dell," Paul spoke up as he walked in, his eyes watching Annabeth's every move. "What is that term exactly? The nomad woman called me Della Freya," Annabeth spoke up causing the others to look at each other.

✓ | 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 ♡ Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now