2.5 | The Pack

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

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⊱ ──── {⋆☂ ❉ ☽⋆} ──── ⊰

Anna shut off her bike, she looked up at the house surrounded by trees and let out a slow breath. Her mind was still reeling from the story she was told, she knew something was gonna change in her life considering everything she had faced already. Her eyes moved from the forest to the house as someone walked out, their own gaze looked up and locked on Anna before making their approach. "Paul, right?" Annabeth asked softly, he nodded his head as he stopped in front of her. "The others are inside but..." Paul trailed off as he looked from the motorbike to the forest, his eyes then landing on Anna again.

"Everything okay, Paul?" Anna asked him, she could see that there was something on his mind. "Yeah, I'm fine," Paul answered with a small smile before motioning toward the house. She sighed before following behind Paul into the house only for Jared to pull her into his arms, "If it isn't the fearless one." Anna rolled her eyes before pinching his side, Jared winced and moved away, poking his tongue out at her while Sam approached them. "We tried locating the nomad but she must've left the town," Sam told her as he led her towards the kitchen where Emily was currently cooking lunch.

"How's your head?" Emily asked her softly, Anna smiled before sitting on the stool. "Physically, it's fine, just a scratch. But mentally, it's always been concerning," Anna told her making Sam and Emily laugh. "We knew that, you were dating a leech, after all," Jared spoke as he tried to sneak some food, Sam hitting his hand away with a glare. "Let's get this straight, Jasper isn't some leech. You guys have your natural instinct to hate them but I won't tolerate disrespect unless it is focused purely on Edweirdo and only him," Anna defended, the others raising their hands in surrender playfully.

"As long as we can talk bad about one, we'll be fine," Jared voiced making Anna shove him away, she rolled her eyes as he chuckled. "Ignore him," Emily suggested before placing a plate in front of Anna. "I'm sure I'll be able too," Anna replied causing Jared to hold his hand to his chest in faux offense. "So why did the leeches leave?" Jared asked as he leaned closer to Anna like he was about to hear the best gossip of the century. "Uh, it was Edward's call... there was an almost incident where Bella ended up hurt so he thought the whole family leaving would be the safest for her," Anna told him but it was clear she was angry about it.

"What incident?" Sam asked as he moved toward them, Emily listening as she finished up lunch. "Bella cut her finger opening an envelope, Edward being a total idiot pushed her away from Colton but instead of a tap, he practically tossed her into the opposing wall cutting her arm on a glass table," Anna answered, she sighed as the memory flashed through her mind. "Colton almost lost control, he was dragged out by the others but it only got worse when Bella and I were attacked by the nomad, James," Anna continued, she was shocked when Paul stood up straighter. "You were what?" Paul asked, anger clear on his face.

"Paul, calm yourself," Sam warned but Paul's eyes were focused on the blonde watching him. "Jasper killed James. James was a tracker and I was his blood singer," Anna added knowing that Paul wanted the answers. Sam grabbed Paul and led him outside, Paul's breathing was heavy as a growl escaped his lips. Anna watched from beside Jared as Paul transformed into his wolf, the growl that left him was pure rage. "Anna move away!" Sam ordered but the blonde recklessly ignored Sam's warning and walked over to the large grey wolf that was staring at her. "It's okay," Anna whispered, Paul's ears twitching.

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