[10] In Your Arms

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Susheela's pov,

" I killed my father"

I was startled hearing his words.

"What?" a soft mumbled came out of my mouth.

"I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I got everything i wished for but except for good parents" he said and i stared at him silently

"I was seven years old when i realised that my parents weren't happy with other. They wanted to get separate but i was not ready that. I want both of them in my life always. Everyday they used to fight for my custody and in the end they sent to boarding school.

I was all alone there. I had no friend. No a single person to talk. Everyone was busy in their own life. I always wished for someone to come and ask me if i am doing well or did i ate my food. Someone whom i hug and sleep peacefully but in the night i always end up crying silently.

Months passed by but no one ever came to meet me. Neither mom nor dad. And then one day they came to meet me.

It was my birthday. And so they decided to throw a small party for me. But i was very angry on them. I didn't utter a single word while going home. Later in the night when everyone was busy at the party i excused myself to the washroom.

On the way i heard some shouting in my parents room. I slowly peeped in through the door. I saw my parents were fighting.

Both were drunk. Shouting and abusing each other. Showing off their powers and position. At last my mom was about to say something when my dad stabbed her with a knife.

Infront of my eyes i saw her agonizing in pain. I ran towards her.

I.. I tried to.. " he broke down and i gathered him in arms. He was the one who was supporting a moment ago.

Now he need me, my support.

"Ssh.." i stroke his hair softly.

He continued while sobbing against my chest" i tried to take out the knife from her stomach. When-

my dad shouted that i... i stabbed my mom"

As he said this my heart skipped a beat in shock. How can someone do like this? That's too with a kid.

I noticed him. His expression had changed. He broke the hug and sat straight. His face showing no emotions now. His jaw clenched tightly.

"Everybody came running. Some accused me while some said that i have gone mad. They called police and i was arrested.

I was in jail for five years and then was sent to psychiatrist for treatment. They fucking treated me like a mental patient.

Finally after eight years i came back home. They closed the case on the order of my father. Everything went normal except my mind. I couldn't sleep at nights, i lost appetite. Every second was longing for revenge. And then one night.

It was a rainy night. I saw my dad shouting on someone over phone. While talking he went to the balcony and i... i .. pushed him from there. And he died.. he died..."  i realised he was getting anxiety. I held his hand tightly and he looked at me .

" every one thought that it was an accident. The floor was slippery and so he slipped and but only i knew the truth.

After he died i was all alone. I thought that now i can stay peacefully but no... i was still depressed. Even after killing my mom's murderer, i couldn't find peace. Whenever i try to sleep at nights.... i... get nightmares i.. Susheela ... i was..."

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