Chapter One: The Confession

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Larry and Laurent are at another club appearance which has become customary for their soaring careers. Normally it's an enjoyable time of meeting new people, hanging with the familiar and the twins having the spotlight to dance to show off their amazing moves...but Larry isn't feeling it tonight. Now he doesn't want to be misunderstood. He absolutely loves his life. He and Laurent have had amazing opportunities and have come so far from those guys dancing on the streets of Paris but...the reason Larry isn't feeling it because for a while he's been struggling with romantic feelings towards Laurent. When he first realized them he thought he was a freak for feeling this way about his twin...but even now as he watches Laurent kill it on the dance floor he's reminded of just one of the reasons he feels how he does. Laurent is insanely talented and just one look at his moves it is easily evident as to why he's referred to as "Beast". However, his moves aren't the only reason Larry feels so strongly about him. It's Laurent the person. He's funny, charismatic, he has a beautiful smile...and the fact that he's absolutely gorgeous with insane bone structure is the icing on the cake. Laurent also takes care of Larry and always puts him first in everything. Every decision he makes revolves around how Larry will be affected by it. Larry was finding it extremely difficult to not feel as strongly as he does for him and whenever he sees Laurent flirting with girls he gets jealous. There's nothing he wants more than to charge over and break it up every time he sees it but...he can't. He simply can't. He tells himself over and over again that he isn't supposed to feel this way because they're brothers...but as he continues to watch he just can't himself. He loves him as more than a brother and he wants him badly. His mind is so deep in thought that he doesn't realize Laurent has stopped dancing to come over and talk to him...

Laurent: "Larry"? *pause* "Larry"?

Larry: "Oh sorry. What is it"?

Laurent: "Why aren't you dancing bro"?

Bro. How Larry wishes the word "bro" could be replaced with love or baby even though he's absolutely loved being Laurent's brother. He just wanted something more but for now all he can do is reply to it...

Larry: "I just don't feel like it Laurent". *pause* "When are we leaving"?

Right away Laurent can hear slight irritation in Larry's voice and he doesn't understand where it's coming from so that causes him to become irritated as well...

Laurent: "Soon".

Larry: "How soon"?

Laurent: *sigh* "I don't know Larry. Soon, oki?"

With no further response from Larry Laurent turned and walked away. He doesn't like to get upset with Larry about anything but lately he just doesn't know what's going on with him. He seems so...different. Laurent has noticed his change in behavior around him...almost as if he's nervous when they're together and Laurent has never seen him act like this before. When he asks Larry if something is wrong Larry merely replies "I fine" and leaves it Laurent no choice but to leave it alone too. However deep down he knows something is wrong with him but he doesn't want to pressure him either. On the flip side, Larry knows that he can talk to Laurent about anything and he can only hope that he does talk to him instead of allowing whatever this is to plague him. For now he spots two girls in the corner so he decides to go and talk to them...maybe even dance with one of them. Little does he know, Larry will catch sight of it and with Larry feeling such deep, romantic feelings for him it's really going to hurt him...even cause him to do something he's never done before. The moment he sees the way the girls receive Laurent with wide smiles and Laurent smiling back at them he rolls his eyes and went over to the bar...

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