Story 1

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The rain pit patted against the window softly down from the dove grey sky it fell from. The coolness embraced Geranium's hand, as she rested it upon the window and gazed longingly into the day. The bumpy stone walls of the castle guarded her from it's delicate touch.

"Come away from there, you'll catch a cold." Sylvia called over to her.

"That's a myth." she responded.

"It's better to be safe than to take a risk."

"Funny, I've been thinking the opposite lately." she muttered to herself.

The curtains encompassing the window were red as poppies, matching the sheets on Geranium's bed. Across from which was a bookshelf that was exhausted of any space and crammed. However, Geranium's bed was tidy as if never touched.

Turning around with a sigh, she walked away from the window. "I feel like so much has changed since we were younger."

Sylvia stayed silent with a nod of confirmation.

"We used to muck about, but then-" Geranium stopped. She glanced towards her wardrobe, where she knew her armour was slumped in the deepest, darkest corner of it. "It's like the king died so suddenly. Hortensia was crowned, then a war, and now look at where we are."

"We've come so far." Sylvia walked over to the tiefling, placing a hand on the elbow of her crossed arms. "But is there further to go? Will there be another war, will there be a revolution? What is to become of Hortensia and me?"

Sylvia reached her arms across, pulling Geranium into an embrace she returned.

"We won't face a war like that again and with you and Hortensia, talk it over with him."

"We've been together for four years. Sometimes I think that maybe-" Geranium sighed. "Maybe, he thinks of me how they all do."

"Geranium, you are one of the most memorable faces of our kingdom's court. He respects you. Now go. Go tell him."

"Thank you, Sylvia." She embraced her one last time before running out the spruce door.

Sylvia's gaze lingered upon the door as she stood solemnly still in the silent room. Her face melted into a small smile as she uttered "You won, Hortensia."


"F-" he jumped. "You can't just grab me, Geranium."

"Sorry, I thought you could see me."

"From the left?"

"Oh- guess not." she chuckled.

"So what's the matter, someone stole your sweetroll?" he grinned back at her.

"No, no. This is a little more, uh, serious." she caught her breath.

Hortensia looked around the corridor, noticing no one in sight. The pair stood on the red rug which spanned the length of the wooden floor of the long lonely corridor.


"Yeah, about you... and me."

With the last word being uttered, she could see his grin slightly falter.

"I've been considering what's between us, and I don't know how much longer we should keep this private." she took his gloved hands. "Can we not become more?" she leant closer.

He slid his hands out of her's and placed them onto her face tenderly.

"I can't marry you, Geranium."

"Why? I thought you didn't care how people looked at me."

"I don't care what people think of you. Your parents' sins aren't your own but they don't know the difference. I can't marry you."

Geranium couldn't move her face. She was frozen with her eyebrows furrowed and mouth gasping open, no words coming out and only being able to place her hand onto his.

Until finally from the deep depths of despair in the bottom of her stomach, she whispered "Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you know the difference?"

"I-" Hortensia let go of her and sighed, "Where is this coming from all of a sudden, Geranium?"

"Somewhere. Somewhere deep."

"Stop thinking about it. It won't benefit you." Hortensia noticed hurried footsteps and stepped back from Geranium as a maid rushed round the corner. He walked away, leaving Geranium to stand by herself in the cold corridor staring at the wall ahead of her.

"I don't believe you anymore."

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