6. FREEDOM... and love-hate relationships?

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A picture of VIXX girls ^^^^^



"I know, I know. Still, I'll protect you from people who hurt you. I'm your best friend, okay? Of course I care about you." I assured to her.

"Aww, I love you now. Thank you Da Eun!" She said and hugged me.

"What are best friends for?"


Da Eun's P.O.V

——-5 DAYS LATER——-

Woohoo! I finally got discharged from that boring hospital! I was just reminded that I have to change the bandage every other time if the blood fills up. And I even have to drink medicine for me to heal faster. Blech... Also I need to be more careful and I shouldn't get stressed. If I ever get hurt again, my wound would open up again and it might be another situation. Ugh, I'm getting stressed about these reminders.

Since I was at the hospital for a week, Da Hee and the guys often visit me to give me home works and the new lessons Ms. Choi discussed. (A/N Ms. Choi is their teacher for all subjects) At least I won't get stressed about so many loads. Gomawo, chingus. I'd be a goner if you weren't here with me.

We were also to exchange numbers making me able to call them when I need help on something or what so else. But I regret giving it to Ken. Ugh he keeps on flooding me every single minute. Heh but his texts are so cute I can't delete them. I still can't believe he's older than me, though.

Hyuk on the other hand keeps on reminding me to drink my medicine and asks me if I did my missed home works or if I need help on the lesson. This dongsaeng is so caring! He's like my younger brother. I've always wanted to have a dongsaeng and he was able to do it.

N keeps on telling me on what happened at school and complains on how Ken is annoying him to buy bubble tea. He said that their friends from another school influenced Ken about bubble tea and became a bubble tea-addict. Also, he said that Hyuna is driving him insane. She keeps on following them and flirting. Even though he says to get lost, she keeps on stalking still 24/7. Poor N. I'll help him when I get back to school!

Ravi and I became close, which I didn't expect. When the others can't come, he'd visit me 'cause he's the one who's free every day after school. And did you know that he looks like Larva up close?! I kept on teasing him that he looks like that worm. But it's okay, he's not mad at me. In return, he's the one who teases me! Fair enough for us.

Leo, to my surprise, texted me to get better. When they visited me, Leo brought me pasta that he cooked by himself. Wow, rather than him being cold-looking, he is so caring and damn, he can cook!

Da Hee also floods me, saying that she's bored, she wants to go home, or she misses me. She also told me that when Hyuna kept on following them, she hid in a corner and when she was ahead of her, she tripped her! She said that Hyuna looked so funny lying on the floor for five seconds before she got so enraged. Good thing Da Hee was able to escape from her wrath! That's my best friend! When she can't visit me, she'd send someone to send me food or a book or a very long letter. Wow, Da Hee. Still, I love her.

You know, whenever I observe Da Hee and Leo, they seem so shy and awkward to each other. Their cheeks would be super red from embarrassment or something. Hmm, I have to play matchmaker here. Hehehe...

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