Chapter 10

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Sad chapter be warned 😈
Enjoy the angst

I opened my eyes to a bright blue sky, void of all clouds. I guess I had fallen asleep on the grass. Everyone was still there, talking to each other.

It took me a while of being awake to notice, but, my arm was hurting really bad. When I say really bad I mean it. Excruciating pain surged throughout my arm, starting at my shoulder. I sat up quickly, clutching my shoulder and squinting my eyes tight in pain.

Techno noticed this and made his way over to me.

"Tommy? You good? What's up with your arm?"

I just began to rock back and forth in pain, still holding my arm.

"Hey Phil! Cmon, let's get Tommy back home. His arm is hurting him."

Phil walked over to me and helped Techno hoist me to my feet. Techno told the others where we were going and we left. Us three walked all the way back to snowchester, into Tubbos mansion, and into my room.

Phil sat me on the bed and handed me a notebook and pen off the desk.

"Write down what you wanna say, ok? I'm gonna ask you questions about your arm."

I nodded.

"Ok. I know Dream hurt it but, how? With what?"

I quickly jotted down my answer.

The paper read "axe" which was the tool Dream had used for most of my deaths. Most efficient way to kill a kid I guess.

((I wrote that last line so sarcastically omfg that's funny 😭))

I showed to paper to Phil and he nodded, slight sorrow creeping onto his face.

"Alright, lemme look at it again. How bad is it hurting you?"

I wrote down, "pretty bad"

Downplaying my own pain. I usually do that. I don't want to be more of a burden than I apparently already am.

((Felt that 💪))

Phil unwrapped the tight bandage on my arm to unveil a horrible looking gash on my upper arm.

Phil made that hissing sound old people make when something isn't good at all but don't know how to tell you. It's kinda annoying.

"Tom... your arm it's- infected. I don't know how it happened with all the bandages but it did. Best way to stop it from spreading is to..." he trailed off and away from his sentence and looked at me. As if I was supposed to know what he was gonna say.

I tilted my head in confusion. Phil didn't want to tell me whatever it was but he knew he had to.

"Tommy, I'm gonna need to cut off your arm. To stop the infection from getting worse and spreading."

I just stared at him. It's all I could do. I couldn't cry even though I wanted to. I'm about to lose another limb. I already lost my leg at 10, now my arm at 18. How else am I supposed to take new like this?

"We have to do it as soon as possible, Tommy. I'll let you rest tonight and tomorrow we'll do it, ok? I know this is awful but it's the only way."

I looked down at my feet. You could tell, even under my shoe and long pant leg, that one was fake. I hated my fake leg. I always wrapped it with a bandage so no one could see when I had shorts on. Now I was gonna have to do something similar to my arm.

This week couldn't get any worse.

((Words: 581))
I don't really have anything to say this time around- I do have a surprise for y'all that I'll set up in a few days, maybe even tomorrow. You'll just have to wait and see! I hope you enjoyed!! <333

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