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"We will be landing at London City Airport in 30 min," they said oh, good I thought well I am Buffy anne Summer, and well I am the Slayer but I am not where I am supposed to be, and why is that no my friends or Sister didn't make Faith head Slayers like the last time it just that I ran away why well I am with Spike's child and well he my friends or my sister doesn't know so that is why I ran it not because of I am the Slayer or that fact that the baby father is a vampire and I am in love with him no it is not that it's just that he die when the Hellmouth collapsed getting sidetrack here. My friends and sister picked Faith as the head Slayer


End of flashback

And then Spike finds me and we talk


End of flashback

And then I told him that I love him and he said it back and now we are here where I am having his baby that he will never get to meet and he or she will never get to know their daddy and how he saves them, their mommy and the world. I don't know if I will tell my friends or my sister because I know my friends will yell at me that I got well you know by a vampire and that vampire was Spike, oh and then there is Angel he will yell at me too but here is the thing he is with Faith so yha the only problem is that I have no idea how I got you know by Spike vampire can't have kids well okay, Edwards and Bella did but that was before she was turned into a vampire. I am not a vampire, and I do not have any werewolf on my family tree but Spike does on his mother's side, oh, IDK "we will be landing at London City Airport in 5 min," they said I hope my friends Katie and Catgirl can help me with this Katie is my penpal and Catgirl not going is she my kid grandmother and Spike mom but she has been my best friend since we were 14 years old and I hope that one of them know what the hell is going on. ________________________________________________________________________________

Buffy finds out she is with Spike's child after her friends and sister make Faith head Slayer instead of listing to Buffy after Spike finds her she tells him she loves him and he said it's back and then they did it after they are somewhere new she gets check out and then runs to the United Kingdom and then to Ireland 9 mothers later Buffy has Emma catherine  Blackearpower.  Without Spike, the only member of the Blackearpower family that is to help Buffy is Catgirl Blackearpower and Buffy wishes that Spike could meet his daughter or so she thought.

I only owe Catgirl Blackearpower and Emma Blackearpower and Katie  Blackearpower(who you will meet later in the book. In being of the Book will flashback to Season 7 Ep 19 and 20 and go from there.)

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