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In the beginning, when quirks were just coming into the world, one person was found to have the ability to change the world forever. They had the ability to guide a soul to their other part or parts. One day they were experimenting with their quirk, when all of a sudden they lost control, somehow allowing every living person to have some kind of guide to find their other part, changing the world to the end of times. It has been found that there are three types of soul mates (the first was true love, the second was parental, and the third was platonic.) and five possible guides to find them ( the first guide was a mark on the wrist signifying your other part, the second was keywords tattooed anywhere on the skin, third was shared dull pain, forth was shared scars, and lastly shared quirks). Everyone had their own soul guide, for example, if one soul had the wrist mark, their partner could have shared scars. Soulmates didnt have to share the same guide, though it was pretty common. Aizawas guide just so happened to be the one to share the pain. Yamada, Aizawas significant other, had keywords. Now, as a side note, parental bonds show up when the others soul child is born. Its usually pretty abrupt and unexpected. So, you can imagine Aizawas surprise when he went to grab some papers off his desk, only to feel like someone just smacked his ass followed by his lungs bursting with blazing flames as if he just got a gasp of fresh air after holding his breath for twenty minutes. Now, Aizawa being the logical person he is knew no one in the room was dumb enough to touch him like that with the knowledge that he would kill anyone who touched him and especially with his husband in the room, who he could see standing and talking with Nemuri. So, that left him with the one conclusion, that he had a new bond, a parental bond. By this time he was frozen long enough for Nemuri and his husband to notice something happened, and that he had no choice but, to tell the truth with Detective Tsukauchi coincidently in the room at the moment.

You okay Sho? his husband asked with concern.

Aizawa took a deep breath and answered in a shaky voice. I have a new bond. silencing the room instantly.

Wait, you dont mean? Nemuri asked with a hint of excitement.

Aizawa locks his eye with his husband, answering the question. A parental bond. It was silent for a minute. Then all of a sudden all hell broke loose, Nemuri was laughing her ass off knowing for a fact that as Aizawa was bending down to pick up his papers he felt someone smack his ass, she just knew it.

Oh. My. God. this is absolutely perfect, pausing to cackle, You felt your ass get smacked as you were bending over to pick up your papers, didnt you? Nemuri laughed, what perfect timing.

Yes, Aizawa answered blankly still processing that he had a parental bond.

Well, congratulations Aizawa, you have a pup. Would you like some tea? Nezu said with a chipper voice, as he was pouring a cup.

Wait, so youre telling me that this coffee-addicted insomniac is a father? Oh god, that is horrible. Why would anyone think that would be a good idea? Vlad King said in a teasing tone.

Ha. Ha. very funny Vlad. Aizawa replied sarcastically with a blank face, as he sat down.

Well, I am, for one, happy for you Aizawa, Tsukauchi said to his friend with a soft smile.

Aizawa ducked his head and smiled softly, he was going to be a father, though he was concerned, parental bonds are usually made for kids who would have terrible lives in their future. Though he was concerned, he knew he would do anything to keep his future, no, not future, his kid-safe.

Aizawa snapped out of his reminiscing as he landed on the roof, his kid was having a really bad day and in return, he wasnt either, so it was to nones surprise that he had little to no patience today, and unfortunately for the relatively newly discovered vigilant he was chasing, that meant he was not so lenient with broken laws. The vigilante was fast and knew their way around based on the way they confidently hopped across roofs as easily as one would trace the back of their hand. Aizawa grumbled as he chased them for a few more minutes until he lost them in the maze-like alleyways. Unable to spot the black cat hoodie and yellow questionable utility belt, Aizawa decided to just head home, no point in spending his precious time on some reckless idiot wanting to play hero.

Unbeknownst to Aizawa, the one he was chancing was watching him with bated breath as he scald the building and hopped away. Unleashing his breath, Izuku sighed with relief. He didnt know if his plan would have worked but he was glad it did, taking the risk to turn around and loop his way back down the hidden alley next to him was risky, though it was good to know that Eraserhead didnt seem to know about it.

I cant believe they finally called him in, Izuku mumbled as he turned away.

I wonder how desperate they are if they asked for Eraser to come into the case. Either way, it makes things easier for me now I can get him to help my soul mates. he thought as he climbed up to the rooftops. Once he was on the roof Izuku ran in the opposite way Eraserhead did; deciding to take the long way home, just to be safe.

Izuku really didnt want to go home, he felt so lonely and scared. Inko never talked to him, useless she needed something from him, or she would be beating him and yelling about how useless he was and that he is lucky she didnt dump him into the streets like she was told to by so many others. Inko wasnt always like that. She was a loving mom, she would kiss his wounds to make them feel better, she would make his favorite food when he was sick. But that all changed when he turned four, his parents took him to the doctor to find out what his quirk would be. He was quirkless. After they found out his dad left without a warning leaving a letter, he remembers it word for word.

By the time you are reading this, I will have been gone for a while. Dont even bother trying to find me, cuz you wont. I can not be associated with someone who cants provide me with a normal child. That quirkiness rat would ruin my reputation.

— goodbye

Hizashie Midoryia

After that Inko shut down, she just sat on the couch staring at the wall. As the day passed Izuku would leave her alone, because he could tell that something was wrong. But then it was dinner time and he was hungry so he went up to Inko, to ask for some food. When her eyes landed on him they widened, then narrowed. She then proceeded to yell at him saying that it was all his fault that Hizashie left. As the years went by things would get worse. She would start beating him, making him do the chores, she wouldnt let him eat any of the food; so he had to sneak some food for him to eat when she wasnt looking. And to make things worse he was being bullied at school, his classmates would beat him up, leave death threats in his belongings, blame things on him, and his teachers would go along with everything.

Because of everything going on he found that the only time he could relax for a bit was at night. So every night he would sneak out and walk, just to feel free, and slowly he started to add things to his nightly activities. He would train; running on rooftops, learning how to fight thru videos and fights he had seen, and cleaning up places to be a form of weight lifting. And as time went by he would start to intervene in things like thievery, rape, and other criminal things that happen at night. When he was saving people he would learn things that he needed to work on to make himself better to save even more people. He would teach himself about inventing and would fix things when he trains to make his fighting more flued. In his spare time, Izuku would work on making sure his soul mates were okay. Yeah, that was a fun night when he found out he had not one but fore soul mates. When Izuku was five, he was on one of his nightly walks when he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his cheek, when he was at a window Izuku saw a handprint on his cheek. Then it hit him he had a soul mate, and he had the bond of feeling their pain, and suddenly he realized every time he felt hurt but knew that none did any damage in that spot it was his bond. And when he decided to do some meditation to calm himself he found out he could feel the bond. But instead of one, there was fore. He could tell that three of them were bonds of true love and that the last one was parental. But as he meditated longer he found that he could put names to each bond and different colors. The first one was red with the name Shoto, the second was yellow with the name Neito, the third was purple with the name Hitoshi; those were his true love bonds. And for his last one, it was black with the name Shota.

After Izuku learned how to hack so he could gather the information he decided to search for his soul mates. When he found out how they all were he swore he would do his best to protect them from the shadows. He didnt want to ruin their lives as he did for his mother. And just like that night, Izuku looked up to the stars making the same promise before going to bed. And that night, like every night, the boys looked up to the stars and felt peace and safety.

That night Aizawa laid in bed wishing he could find his son, he didnt want his son to hurt anymore than he already had. So as he finally was able to close his eyes to sleep, made a promise. He promised to find his son and save him.

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