Sunday, March 13, 2022

25 2 4

So i just woke up like 3, maybe 5 minutes ago and i... idk fucking know what just happened. The only logical thing that i can think of is the fact that i became obsessed and finished with a zombie book by DAlecLyle . And like maybe half a week had watched the movie cats from 2019 (idk ig that's right but the one with taylor swift and stuff). Sooooo yea. Btw i have no idea how this shit started but yea, enjoy.

Dream starts now:

I blinked my eyes open. I was looking in shock at my mom. It was her. Definitely. With her dyed blonde, curly, little pixie cut. To her grey, prescription contacts. To her angelic voice that I missed so much.
I blinked again. It was her. But we were in the apartment I am currently living in with my siblings. And who is that man standing in the corner over there.
Jason. I don't know a Jason but I know that's his name. His skin reminds me of chocolate. Smooth and dark. But from his black with a military cut, to his green eyes. You can tell he is part asian. What part i don't know.
I look around again. I was right. This is the apartment me and my siblings were currently living. But it's different. We don't have that couch or this dining set. The kitchen is different too. From here, all i can see is the red paint in the walls and-


I turn my head back to mom. And look her in the eyes, just like she taught me.
"Yes?", I said.
"What we wanted to talk to you about is...", She looked uncomfortable. What could possibly make my mother, THE strongest willed woman in my life, anxious and paranoid.
Then it came to me. The sickness that was being talked about all the time. The disease that was taking millions in few hours. It would make them feral. It makes them grow feline-like ears and tail. It makes you sprout fur and fangs. And it gives you the need for flesh. Human flesh.

"I'm infected. We're both infected."

I turn my head, blinking back the tears as I stare Jason in the eye. As if waiting for him to take it back and say it was a joke. A sick joke. But he doesn't. I look back to mom.
She smiled. But it didn't meet her eyes. It was true. They both have it. But does that mean i have it? Am i gonna get sick too?

"We have all the symptoms. Jason can feel his body changing. We were watching you for symptoms but you show no signs. As you know, it can be passed on through the air, touch, liquids, etc. But we always have to windows open so i guess it never got to you thank goodness.", Mom said.

"But since i'll change first probably. We came up with the decision of making you leave. We're gonna help you pack up the car and set you off.", Jason spoke while looking me in the eyes.

I had no choice. It was the only option. Then my brain flashed to my singing in the car with all my crap. I-

"Okay." , I nod my head. "Okay, I understand. This is gonna be fun." , I smile at them. And the finally relax and smile back.

The car. It's my a simply 4 door car. I can't see what type it is but its black and has cream color seats inside. Jason already but the cooler inside on the floor. I had the blankets, even my old favorite one. It was different shades of pink, with a cheetah print. One side was fuzzy and soft. The other not so much. It was still as tattered as i remembered.
Put the folded blankets inside on the seat. Mom was coming with my small bag of clothes and bag of snacks. Snacks. That right I had packed the brownies. I run back inside and grab the small tray with brownies in it. I also just remembered my tactical shovel and grabbed it, as well as my art bag. I ran back to the car. I but the brownies in front the snack bag and the art bag on the floor on the passenger side. I propped my shovel up on the passenger side as well.
"Make sure you have everything", mom said.
Ah. I was wondering why the car looked so empty. My stuffed animals. I forgot them. I ran back to the house and grabbed them all from the couch. Even the really small ones. And put them in the car on the back seat.
I hear my mom laugh.
"Really? Your brother would have loved this.", she said as she walked closer with another snack bag.
"Here. For you. Just some home cooked meals for momma."
"Thanks mommy, I'll make sure to enjoy them."
I put them in the car. i Heard a voice and turned to see YourNarrtor packing his car while he's on the phone. Huh. I don't remember there being a house back there but oh well. I wave to him. He smiles and waves back.
"Who is that?", mom asked.
"Someone me and zay used to watch all the time.", I replied.

Well, the car was packed. I was ready to go. I turned and looked at mom who had just finished fiddling with my stuffies. She shut the door. The only door open now was the driver's. I look at the car. She had put a stuffie in the passenger seat and buckled it in. Safety first.

I looked up the 2-story apartment building. I looked through the window and saw it. I guess it was jason. He had changed while we packed. It was the silhouette of a thin man with fur, ears, and a tail. A normal cat jumped up on the window sill to watch what i couldn't.

"He looks like an asian cat. Did i raise an asian cat?" , Mom asked, laughing.

I giggled and thought he is part asian after all, mom. I know she is trying to lighten the mood. I walk to the driver side and stand there looking at neighbors pack their cars. Then i look back to mom as she comes as close as she can without getting me sick. I wanna hug her but i can't.
"I love you, MacKenzie. My little warrior."

She turns and walks back to the apartment as i climb in the car. I start the car up. Make sure the doors are locked and pull out of the parking lot. As i drive i look out the window at the sun, just starting it's descend into to a warm sunset. Then I wake up.

Dream ends here.


So, I know a lot of you will have questions. So just ask them and i'll let ya know. But for the main ones ill just answer below:

1 - Yes, that is my real name.
2 - My mother died from a head injury in February of 2020. (Don't apologize, please. If anything, crack a few dead mom jokes please. Im already crying as is.)
3 - It was not Jason derulo from cats.
4 - No this is not my first weird dream. Ive had plenty. I remember plenty. Just ask and i can write them for you but i wont know the date or anything but i remember the dreams.

Okaii, thanks for coming and again i apologize. If you read a dream you like and want to use it for a book or Like #4 said want more dreams. Please let me know. Cuz if you writing a book from my dream, i most definitely want to read it. And i will gladly write y'all so more of my weird ass dreams. Lmaoo.

Until next time, my fellow ghouls and gals.
Boo out.👻

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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