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Kim Taehyung pinned a paint pallet shaped brooch into his jacket, checked himself in the mirror one last time and headed out of his bedroom.

He looked fine. Today was an important day.

Taehyung attached a small bow tie onto the collar of Yeontan, his furry friend. They both looked fine.

The drive to Cloudytop Little Centre was short but felt long with anticipation. Cloudytop had a day care area and a full time care area with littles waiting to be adopted.

Once they arrived Taehyung took Yeontan inside to meet with the adoption facilitator. They nervously waited in the cold office. Soon the facilitator walked in with a blue file.

"Good afternoon, Ms Williams" Taehyung greeted, standing up.

"Good afternoon, Mr Kim. Do sit down." Ms Williams gestured to a chair.

Ms Williams looked over Taehyung's adoption application and references. Soon it was time to meet the littles.

Ms Williams took Taehyung and Yeontan to various rooms where the littles were separated by age. They all seemed very sweet and playful.

"Who has been here the longest?", asked Taehyung.

"Daisy", Ms Williams replied. "Her age range is 4-6 years old but her physical age is more than most of our littles, which has put people off adopting her."

"I would like to meet her", said Taehyung.

Yeontan barked as though he understood and agreed.

Daisy lay on her bed alone in the room. She held her worn plush gingerbread shaped toy, her expression sad.

Taehyung walked over and crouched down next to her bed.

"Hello, Little Flower", he said in a warm voice. Daisy liked that name and gave him a small smile.

Yeontan began sniffing Daisy's hand and she petted his soft fur.

"Would you like to come to live with me and Yeontan?" Taehyung asked.

Daisy moved her attention from the little dog and focused on Taehyung's kind expression. She nodded yes.

Ms Williams asked one of the staff to help Daisy pack her things and took Taehyung into the office to complete some more paperwork.

Once Daisy was ready to leave Taehyung happily helped her into the car and made sure she was properly buckled in. They began the journey home, and their adventures together.

Taehyung's Little FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now