Dedications and Disclaimers

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So. My fourth story.

I dedicate this one, this specific one, to a friend who shall remain nameless because I know that's what they'd want. This story actually would not exist without them, such as it is, and it is for them that I write. Mainly, it's an apology because I have a rather full life and cannot talk to them half as much as either of us wish and so, my friend, here is this story that I can speak to you with, even when I must study, or work, or when I am too drained to do more than send a wave your direction. This is a story for you.

Also, as it is by far the least developed of all my stories(I came up with the idea Yesterday, I tell you), I will be relying on the theories and comments of my Six to inspire and motivate me, as well as any other readers who think this is worth a try.

My Six. My Circle of Six. As is customary for me at this point, I show off six readers who have been with me since the beginning to most of my works.
Boensty, whose work started me on this journey and I'm never letting anyone forget it.
KaiAndLavender(please accept the praise), who has maintained the crown of Early Reader throughout my books.
Jedi_Raptor, who has encouraged and inspired me with their artwork and their sensitivity to sorrow(for which I am thankful).
Axen_Ace, may their unpredictable, wild mind never change(at least, for the worse), who has continued to challenge and intrigue me with their puzzling comments and their enthusiasm for chaos.
_LuneLAzur_, whose loud happiness and intense, vivid imagination has given me more inspiration than they might ever know.
TheMossyMadame, whose hunger for angst and blessed character insight have given me more to work with than I believed possible.

Please, check out their works, all of them, for they are worth reading, in my own opinion.

Alright! Now...confession time. This is not an Origins SMP story, but simply Bunnyblade. For the sole reason that I know little of Origins at all. I have only just time to keep up with how Dream SMP is going, guys, I don't have time for Origins too. So this is just Bunnyblade. And about even him I know hardly enough, beyond Carrots. Still. I have Fanart, I have my readers to give me inspiration, and I have some measure of Author's licence because of these disclaimers. Yayyy.

There will be some sad in this story, like all of my books on some level or other. But, like it says in the description, this is mainly fluff. Because there actually wasn't enough of that before, so the more the merrier, guys! I hope you enjoy(whenever I am able to post the next chapter to this), and that it...heh...actually turns out to be a good story. I'll try. I'll seriously try.

And now...on to write.
On to imagine.
On to play.

Come along, if you like.

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