The rise and fall of Queen Daybreaker

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One perfectly sunny day, Nothing wrong or unusual, Until Princess Celestia called Twilight to Canterlot because she was needed there immediately. Once Twilight received her letter, she started panicking. "Oh no Spike what if the Princess is mad at me or something?! I forgot to do something earlier!! I'm... I-I'm.. LAZY!!" Twilight anxiously exclaimed. "Twilight I'm sure she just needs you for an urgent matter, nothing is wrong!" spike said, "Maybe you're right spike, let's just see" Twilight said while putting spike on her back "Whoa be careful! That hurts", he said. Twilight rushed to Canterlot with spike, once she got there, all the princesses were there as well. "Uhm, Princess why are the rest of the princesses here?" Twilight asked curiously, "Well, there's something important I need to ask you to do." Celestia said. Twilight was curious what Celestia needed her to do. "What is it Princess?" she asked, "There is an alternate universe the princesses and I have discovered, we need you and your friends to go inside and see what's in the world. We think that there's danger there and you are the destined one to save the ponies in that world." Celestia replied, "I agree with my sister, there was a pony who came into the portal going there and when she came back, most of her mane was burnt. It was hard for her to tell us what kind of dangers were inside the world since she was badly hurt. Though she was still able to tell us a bit about the world. Apparently Daybreaker is real in the world and Nightmare Moon never existed. The world's timeline is the same one as when you defeated me when I was Nightmare Moon. And if you come to that world, we think that you wouldn't be an alicorn." Luna said while sighing.

"Twily, it's going to be extremely dangerous there. So if you agree going to this world... Well you would have to bring your friends.." Cadence said. Twilight was shocked that she was assigned with such a great but hard task. "I'll do it, I've already saved a world before, how hard can it be now that I have my friends?" Twilight proudly said. "A-Auntie Twilight, pwease make sure you come back safe! I'm gonna m-mwiss you if you don't come back!" Flurry heart said while coming out of Cadence's back.. "Don't worry Flurry! I'll be sure to come back, SAFELY. With all my friends." Twilight replied to Flurry heart. "Pinkie promise?" Flurry asked anxiously, "I pinkie promise to come back with all my friends, safe and unharmed. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight said trying to be cheerful. Flurry heart hugged Twilight tight "M-make sure you come back Auntie!!" she said. "Alright Flurry it's time to go, we need to call Twilight's friends so we can show them the way to the portal." Cadence said as Flurry stopped hugging Twilight. Twilight went back to Ponyvile to call her friends to Canterlot. Once she finished, they all went back to Canterlot to meet the princesses again.

"So what in tarnation was so urgent we were needed here?" Applejack asked a bit annoyed, "Omg are we gonna go on an adventure?! Hunting dragons!?!? Throwing parties WHILE hunting dragons?!?"Pinkie said joyfully while hopping. "Oh darling, darling, I'm sure that's not the reason, we're probably going on a fashion show!" Rarity said while showing off her beauty. "Ugh guys I think we're gonna go on a race! Not any of those dumb reasons." Rainbow dash shouted. "Can we just let the Princesse-"Fluttershy said not being able to continue her sentence. All of Twilight's friends argued while Twilight tried to stop them. "GUYS!" Fluttershy screamed in anger and annoyance. "Can we just let the Princesses explain?!" she continued. "Sorry shy, we're just really curious." Rainbow dash said. "I'm so sorry princesses, excuse my friends! They're a bit... excited.." Twilight said nervously while putting her hoof behind her other one. "No worries, as I was saying we all found an alternate universe and we need you to go inside and save that world. Apparently Daybreaker is real in that world, and Twilight sparkle will probably not be an alicorn there." Princess Celestia said in a serious manner. All of Twilight's friends gasped in shock while looking at each other. "Of course we're coming!" Pinkie smiled cheerfully while grabbing everyone and giving them a tight hug. "Pinkie you're squishing us like an apple in cider season!" Applejack said in an annoyed manner, "Sorry guys!" Pinkie replied as she let go of her friends.

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