Welcome to my mind. I hope you have an interesting time. I'm obviously an author coming mainly from the light novel looking to explore traditional storytelling with coherent themes.
If you read something of mine here, please leave a comment. More than likes and views, I'm really hoping for engagement. I am learning that structured storytelling is its own hard work and plan to learn to do it properly.
If you have tips, criticism and recommendation on reading I would love to hear from you. Yes, of course, I read outside of fantasy. Adapting tropes and finding new ways to write fantasy often come from exploring other genres, so please feel free to recommend a book, a video you think will improve my writing.
I will see in between lines.
A brief exploration of an author in training - A series of very short stories
Short StoryA series of short stories that will hopefully entertain as I learn to master my craft. This book will have three kinds of stories. Very short stories, no longer than 250 words Short stories, no longer than 10 000 words Novella, no longer than 30 00...