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gojo satoru is a little shit.

you hate how he thinks, and that he shares what he thinks when you didn't even ask for his thoughts in the first place. he follows you around the high school building hallways like a lost puppy, waiting as if one day you will turn around and confess your—nonexistent—undying love for him.

"no one will find out," he grins cheekily at you, his face infuriatingly close to yours as you refuse to step back from pride. "i'm really good at keeping secrets."

you hate that he has everything that everyone just adores: incredible height, incredible looks, incredible grades, incredible charm. your time at home is spent full of studying, while you're sure that all gojo does at home is sleep, sleep, and sleep some more. yet, he charms his way out of everything with the teachers, telling every classmate that he managed to guess every single answer on the exam accurately. your answers and work are way more neat and proven to be correct, so why does he get the easy way out?"

"what's in it for me?" you cross your arms with a harsh, unimpressed look. the upbeat smile on gojo's face doesn't even get affected by your coldness. "if i'm going to put up with you, then i should at least get something good in return."

you hate that he has no worry whatsoever in the world. he plays around casually with his friends as if midterms weren't rounding the corner, and he walks into the classroom everyday knowing someone will rush to offer to buy lunch for him. he knows that he's popular and fully indulges in the feeling of it with no shame evident on his face.

"you get to date me!" his grin widens as you glare daggers at him, his hand trailing to hold your smaller one in his. "oh, and, your older sister will leave you alone about that blind date you say that you hate."

you hate that he gets his way every time. it doesn't take much for him to convince people to give him what he wants, and of course, he always gets it successfully. while you work hard for what you want, and most importantly need, all gojo has to do is sit around, snap his fingers, and everything is already laid out for him on a silver platter.

"plus, one more thing." you don't even flinch as he pulls you close by the hold on your wrist until you're chest-to-chest, keeping eye contact with you with no difficulty. he leans forward attractively, his other hand moving to tilt your chin up to meet his atrocious height. "call me satoru."

you hate that your heart starts to race in your chest when you see those entrancing blue eyes behind his sunglasses, the colors melting together warmly around his pupil. you feel the back of your neck getting embarrassingly hot at the physical touch he peforms without hesitance, and your back straightens up to combat the smug look he sports on his face.

"fine." you smile right back at satoru, almost an evil tint in your very own eyes. "i'll date you until the end of senior year. then i get to dump you before college."

satoru likes, no, loves how risky you get and how you don't care about the dangers. you stand up to the strict student council president when he's clearly out of line, and tell people standing in the middle of the hallways to get out of the way when they're blocking someone's lockers. there's a kind side of you that you show to those who you think deserve it, but the type of side you show to satoru makes his heart skip in absolute, fearful excitement. he finds your confidence attractive in a way that's different than how he looks at everyone else, and it makes his want for you to be his just that much more. and the fact that he doesn't get it easily? it makes him want to fight for you even more.

gojo satoru doesn't think, doesn't have everything that he adores, doesn't have no worry in the world, and definitely does not get his way every time. not when it comes to you.

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