▪︎■ 40 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

I kissed him again, hungryly. I felt so vulnerable and emotionally naked that I should have felt uncomfortable or at least some regret. But I was just relieved and thankful for this man. My hips slowly grinded on his lap after I kissed my way down to his neck.

His hands grabbed my hips and stopped my movement. "Nara," he said. I looked up into his eyes, immediately embarassed. My heart clenched painfully with a thought.

He doesn't want me anymore... I knew he would be disgusted...

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have assumed that it would be the same after... my history." I tried to get some distance between us, not meeting his eyes.

He kissed my shoulder and I stilled.
"Stop, baby. I just wanted to ask you if you really want this or if it's just some kind of... coping mechanism because you don't know how to act right now."

I met his gaze. "Yes, no- Of course I do want to..."

He nodded: "I think we should talk first... You thought I wouldn't touch you?"

"I just- I'm scared that this changed everything because it did for me back then, so I wouldn't blame you. I'm still disgusted when I think about these times and I, myself, am barely able to live with it. You must be too, at least that's what my head tries to tell me. I never enjoyed sex. Not until I met you. I don't want you to think that I only use you to distract myself. I just feel like I... need it right now. Need you."

I felt my face heating up and my lips were pressed to a flat line. He cupped my face with his hands.

"I promise you, you don't have to worry about me. My view of you hasn't changed. I'm not disgusted of you either. I'm fucking furious that this motherfucker made you go through so much. He and people like him disgust me. To me, you're perfection. Even the things you don't like about yourself are perfect to me. You're my woman, my goddess, my angel. I don't care about the past, I care about you."

Our foreheads met. I smiled, stunned by his words. Every time he did these things, big or little, he made my heart beat for him.

"Do you want me to show you how much?" he lowly asked, his eyes hooded but soft. His fingers drew circles on my hips, his touch light.

"Yes," I whispered, my voice already sounding breathless.

Adrin lifted my top and not even two breaths later the fabric flew to the floor. I wasn't wearing anything underneath it so he gulped when I took a deep breath with my chest raising and falling. All my scars on display, together with my tattoos. He pulled me towards him with a hand on my back and our lips crashed together. My arms wrapped around his neck and I sighed when his tongue entered my mouth.

His other hand took care of my breast before his mouth came down to kiss the delicate skin. Softly he began to suck and place open mouth kisses on my chest. I moaned when he left love bites all over the area and blew some air on the marks when the pain took over. While he did so we got rid of our clothes. After my skirt and underwear fell to the floor, I sat down on his thighs again.

My pussy pulsed with every lick and bite and I instinctively began to grind onto his crotch, letting my head fall back when my bare pussy met his hard but clothed dick, his boxers the only layer left seperating us.

He groaned and before I could look at him he turned us around, so that I layed on my back, my body under his.

Adrin got up from the bed, circled it and came to a halt when he stood at the other end. He knelt down, grabbed my ankles and pulled my body toward the edge, positioned my legs over his shoulders. I got up onto my underarms, watching him stare at me. "You're beautiful, angel," he said raspily, gave me a look that made me shudder in anticipation. "Are you okay with me continuing, baby?"

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